
Posts Tagged ‘Father of Lies’

Some – or even most people, perhaps, are having a hard time believing that the Devil could be real. They may even believe in God, or a god or some sort of divinity, but the Devil? – Naah!

With me, it’s the other way around. As far as I’m concerned, the existence of the Devil is so overwhelmingly evident in his workings in the minds of mankind and the resulting actions, I cannot help but believe in God and the biblical account of history, because it’s the only explanation of the senselessness all around us that makes sense.

In order to understand what’s going on all around us, one needs to have an understanding of how the Devil operates, and as Paul admonishes us, not be “ignorant of his devices.”

One thing we know about him is that he’s a liar, and if we don’t come to the realization that some of the things we’re being told are downright and blatant lies, nothing makes sense.

We also know that he’s the imitator of God. If God wants us to voluntarily learn to acknowledge that we depend on Him (just for trivial little things such as the air we breathe, every bite of food and sip of water, etc.), then the Devil demands that we adhere to his system of dependence on him and his cronies, which is manifested in his delightful theme of, “work, work, work, so you can pay bills, bills, bills.” (Who else but the Devil could have ever cooked up such a stinking, boring little game?)

Everything God does, the Devil tries too, except that the way he does it sucks. Which is probably precisely the reason why God will finally have to intervene after only 3 1/2 years of the Devil’s ultimate kingdom on earth in order to save His creation from total destruction. The Devil is the absolute champion when it comes to making a mess out of everything.

Accordingly, it is no wonder that the same happens visibly in areas of our daily life, such as the economy or the environment, if you take a look at the bloaks who are in charge of it: They follow in their master’s footsteps, in which lie and deceit are the primary order, and the result is the ever-present fruit of Satan’s efforts since the beginning of time: hoodlum.

You can tell I’m no big friend of the Devil, nor do I manage to eke out an awful lot of sympathy for him.

As far as I’m concerned, the sooner he gets his long-needed kick in the behind, the better off we’re all going to be.

But I’m afraid we’re going to have to wait a little longer in order to see the worst of him yet, because only then will the lesson be completed that we’re supposed to draw from this act entitled “Ye shall be as gods.”

You can never appreciate the Real Thing until you’ve had a dose of the big fake, along with the billions of little fakelets running around…

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infiltratorsThe infiltration of the Truth Movement by the henchmen (and -women) of the very same forces it tries to expose began long before Zeitgeist.
Some years ago (shortly after 9/11) Henry Makow wrote me about a guy called Brian Desborough whose book apparently labels every thinkable religious movement as “Illuminati.”
Upon googling him up I found an article of his (which he since seems to have withdrawn, probably since it exposed too obviously what side he is working for), in which he basically stated that the Bible including its God were cooked up by the Illuminati, basing his statement on such grounds as that he knew for a fact that there were no camels in the regions of the Old Testament during that period of time. Wow! Shattering evidence!

It sort of resembles the pitiful argumentation of Acharya S and Peter Joseph, the minds behind “Zeitgeist” in their recent attempt to refute their debunkers. Not much more than a lot of ho-hums and whining over the fabricated “fact” that the naughty Christians destroyed all their evidence…

I guess you can recognize these people by the tactics which they copy from their god, the father of lies, and one must never underestimate their boldness in stretching the truth to the most gruesomely thinkable extent.

Brian Desborough also appears to be one of David Icke’s sources, which perhaps explains why he seems to have gone totally bonkers, and has become one of those who make “conspiracy theorists” look like a bunch of loonies, which is precisely what the NWO-clique intends by planting their cuckoo’s eggs into the nests of the various branches of the Truth Movement.

If they can discredit the voices of truth trying to expose their shenanigans, the public is going to stay in their trance until they’re past the ever speedily approaching point of no return…

I could imagine that David Icke may have started off as a sincere seeker for the truth. But the quest for truth is a tricky little thing on which one has to stay determined to focus on accepting the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how many shiny and scandalous temptations mark the path.

Personally, I am even leery of such supposed geniuses as Noam Chomsky, because no matter how much truth they bring out about “the other side,” by their public stance against God they’re implicating that man is the solution to his own problems, which is the same lie the NWO-camp has been telling ever since Cain and Abel (even though you must remember that that’s just another one of their staunchest lies, since they are the ones preparing the perfect solution for you, buddy!), and the Bible simply and unmistakably states that “the fool has said in his heart, there is no God,” no matter how “wise” whatever amount of groupies deem him.

When it comes to infiltration, people should not underestimate the Enemy of their souls. If he has done it with God’s very own people (both versions 1 and 2), then he’s also going to do it with the Truth Movement. “If you can’t lick’em, join’em” has been the Devil’s slogan latest since the 4th century.

What sort of hope and way out of the NWO dead end are people like Brian Desborough, Jordan Maxwell, Acharya S, Peter Joseph, David Icke and Noam Chomsky offering to the world? Especially those who decry Jesus as a fake, and claim that once the church and religion will have been wiped out, everything will be honky-dory?
– A miraculous rising up of all the good people in the world against all the bad people in the world, and they lived happily ever after?


Have we learned anything from history at all?

Lenin? Stalin? Mao? – And who will guarantee that the next head honcho is going to be that much better?

In fact, I can prophesy to you right now that he’s going to be the worst this world has seen yet, and that wonderful New Age you think you’re ushering in will turn on you as the worst nightmare of history!

“Imagine there’s no Heaven” sounded kind of cool in the 70s, but John Lennon knows better now.

Nobody’s saying that established religion has done any better than the big dictators from history. Yes, by and large, Christianity has been a disappointment.

But just use your brains for a second: Never in all of the history of mankind has there ever been any known process or force that would have produced one single shred of information from lifeless matter – no, not even billions of years of lucky coincidences could do that, if you study the carefully calculated odds.

So, what makes you think that the Gigabytes of information in every single one of the billions of cells your body consists of, (information that has been not only been encoded, but is being decoded by devices specially placed there in that tiny galaxy called a living cell for that purpose), all came about without an Author?

No wonder the Bible says you’d have to be an idiot not to believe in God.

And just the fact that we all think we would have been so much smarter and done it so much better than He doesn’t actually make us smarter.

If you could just put aside your self-righteous grudge against God long enough to be able to think clearly, things would actually begin to make some real sense!

But I guess many simply don’t want to believe it until they get to the end of their rope.
And that’s precisely where we’re headed.
Let’s see Who’s going to be standing at the other end to catch you when we get there…

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