
Archive for the ‘bible prophecy’ Category

I used to wonder about this passage in Matthew 24: “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mt.24:37-39).

I used to wonder, “Why, Jesus, what’s so bad about eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage? Why should that merit the end of the world?”

But if you take a closer look at people’s eating, drinking and mating habits, you get the point.

While 40.000 starve daily in one part of the world, obesity is becoming a major disease in another.

While in one place people don’t even have enough drinking water to survive, in another they drink themselves to death.

It’s the imbalance, the selfishness that matters and makes it so ugly… the unwillingness of the rich to share, and their sickening, self-indulging indifference.

And then there’s the mating game. A whole nuther story.

Have you ever frequented a dating site? Like – in a “civilized,” Western country?

I once wrote an entry about the devaluation of human life in reference to what some nations are willing to pay for the corpse of a butcher as compared to what they’re willing to eke out for the corpse of his victim…

Well, you’ll see the devaluation of human life (along with the sheer absence of human intelligence) nowhere as blatantly as on a dating site.

Here they present themselves like merchandise in a supermarket, and mind you, the customers are picky. “Looking for Mr. Right” or “the perfect man” … or woman, the “girl of my dreams, ” etc.

Whereas members of less “developed” countries are a lot more modest. Perhaps one day the world will see the difference between so-called civilization and truly civilized people, among whom respect is still a given, and courtesy not a “Huh, what’s that?”

Not to mention that in the entire process of feverishly trying to obtain the objects of their affection that might quench their burning needs (or lusts?), the most important Factor is – as usual – left out of the equation almost entirely: the Giver of all things in the first place.

Maybe that’s why Jesus said not labour for the meat which perisheth… although everybody of course, keeps doing it, even the most devout of His followers.

Of course, it would be a sacriliege and the epitome of political incorrectness to preach anything different, for man’s greatest religion and god has become the work of his own hands. After all, the work of his own hands is what will earn him those most desired shreds of paper in the universe, which Jesus said we couldn’t serve, if we served God,;and those, in return, will by us foood, drrrink, and will help us to impress the other sex (either by means of taunting our apparel and plastic surgery, or our vehicles, houses and yachts). In short: materialism.

Since everything begins (evolution) and ends (lifeless corpse in coffin) with mere lifeless matter which is supposed to have brought forth itself, the space between the beginning and the end, that which we refer to as life, revolves around the same: lifeless matter. In other words, not really life at all, since the one thing that gives life, as Jesus said, is Spirit (John 6:63), coincidentally, the same stuff that God Himself is made of (John 4:24).

It’s not that I don’t like to eat, drink or am not totally amazed by the opposite sex. Nor do I try to pretend to come across as some sort of spiritual wonder child, since I’m subject to the same desires and needs as everybody else.

It’s just that the way we go about it and still have the nerve to call “civilized,” to me comes across as rather barbaric.

If that’s what brought on the flood (along with many other evils that find their modern counterparts), then let it rain, Lord, let it rain!

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A Slightly Different Interpretation of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

A Slightly Different Interpretation of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

When Jesus made the much dreaded statement in Matthew 6 that we cannot serve God and Mammon (the god of wealth = materialism), He must have already known that while millions would someday profess to be His servants, in reality they were going to dedicate the bulk of their attention and efforts in service to this competitor in the quest for man’s most precious commodity, time.

While most interpretations of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse claim that the rider on the white horse is supposed to be the Antichrist, I personally contend that the proper interpretation of this passage should ascribe the identification of the white rider to Jesus, and the other three His fiercest competitors throughout time, perhaps in some sort of a race for our souls, and when time is up (literally!), there will only be one of them left.
Who are those mystery riders? War, materialism and death, also known by other ancient names by which they were known, revered and even worshiped for millennia: Ares (the Romans called him Mars), Mammon and Hades.

Luckily, the Bible already tells us who is going to be the winner of the race, since it foretells a time in which men will beat their swords into plowshares and will learn war no more, which eliminates Ares, the god of war from the equation.
We are also told the fate of Hades, the god of death and hell in the lake of fire.

So what about Mammon, the god of wealth? In our current terms, Mammon can easily be replaced by a word for the stuff that allegedly rules the world: money.

Some think it will last forever.

The Bible tells us differently.

In fact, from what the Bible tells us, it seems that of the four riders, Mammon will be the first one to yield up the ghost.

Granted, this is just one of my own personal theories, but it’s based on some serious thought:

When the Antichrist imposes his mark of the beast in the new economic order everyone from Kissinger to the Pope is expecting with excitement (as foretold in Revelation 13), it seems that will be the end of money – or at least cash – as we know it.

Perhaps one reason why the Almighty won’t be so fond of that new method of trade at all will be the fact that Satan will have managed to create the perfect imitation of His own system of currencies: faith. The object of man’s desire will have been placed from the visible to the invisible realm, the perfect counterfeit of God’s system.
And for those who fall for it, I guess it’s going to be like having made their choice for the other side.

If my assumption is correct, and it’s Mammon who bites the dust first when the AC implements the mark, it might also explain one of the most mysterious passages in the Bible about the Endtime:

“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only
he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
And then the lawless one (The Antichrist) will be revealed,
whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth
and destroy with the brightness of His coming.”

Some scholars interpret this passage as to be referring to the Holy Ghost as “He who now restrains…until he is taken out of the way;” that the Antichrist cannot be revealed unless the Holy Ghost be taken away.
But how are the final two witnesses in Rev.11 going to give their testimony without the Holy Ghost?
And for the benefit of all those “left behind” during the Great Tribulation (which might be more than many people think, especially in the light that the Rapture is only going to occur after it, as Jesus said), let’s all pray to God that the Holy Ghost isn’t going to be taken away.
But it would have to be someone or something that was already around in Paul’s day, which certainly applies to money…

So, here’s my little theory for you on the race of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: Jesus, Ares, Mammon & Hades…

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Painful reminders that not all that glitters is gold...

Painful reminders that not all that glitters is gold...

Probably one of the greatest deceptions taking place in our times is the illusion of change, and I’m not just talking about the Obama administration, although it’s definitely a perfect example of it.

In order to create the illusion of change, some actual change has to take place, but only on the surface.

And it’s true, on the surface, things have changed a lot over the past 100 years: our ways of getting from point A to B, our methods of communicating, or keeping ourselves fed, clothed and entertained.

However, no substantial change has taken place in the deep motivations of mankind for our actions, no significant change of heart.

We’re still ruled by the same fears and lusts as our ancestors of all times. We just think we are superior because we have changed on the surface.

You put a remote control into a man’s hand instead of a plow or shovel, and he’ll think he’s “evolved.”
– Or a machine gun instead of a sword, and he may think he’s come a long way. But the end result is the same.
You put a black face on the President, and at first everyone is awed: We’ve certainly never seen THAT before, nor did we ever think we were going to live to see it, but when it’s just the same stupid white men pressing the buttons on his remote control who controlled the last puppet, it’s “Meet the new boss – same as the old boss…

That’s what stinks about organized Christianity, also increasingly referred to as “Churchianity:” It totally misses the drift of its supposed Founder. Christianity as it is has become a force for conservatism in this world, when its original Founder was and is the total and absolute opposite.
What Jesus was and is and will always represent in this world of phony changes, is total Revolution, and total break with the decaying, sinful ways and attitudes of man, which haven’t changed a bit since Adam and Eve, except that they’ve gotten worse, similar to the condition of a carcass over time.

If He is the Life, we are the dead. If He is the Way, we’ve been certainly going in the opposite direction. If He’s the Truth, then most of what you will hear from us, the pride and glory of civilization, is the opposite. Just turn on the TV and count the lies you will hear within 30 minutes. Providing you are still able to discern between truth and lies. You’ll get the drift.

So, change has happened, alright: the lies have become more and bigger. The condition of the carcass humanity has worsened. However we’re more delusional than ever in our perception of ourselves as the greatest thing to ever have happened on God’s earth. Until perhaps we catch an accidental glimpse of the 40.000 people we allow to starve each and every day right in front of our noses, just to make sure there’ll be enough left for us tomorrow…

So, you may buy into all the hype and rah-rah of progress, advance and the glories of mankind, I don’t buy it. As Dylan once put it:

“So, sing your praise of progress
and of the doom machine
the naked truth is still taboo
whenever it can be seen.”

What’s worst about the illusion of change is that it makes us think we don’t need any real change.
What’s worst about the illusion of health is that it makes us think we don’t need the Doctor.
What’s worst about our oh so great perception of ourselves, is that we’ll never realize just how badly we need Somebody to drag us out of our mess.

What’s worst about Satan’s puppets acting like all the saviors we ever needed is that we’ll never realize how badly we need Jesus.

What’s worst about our blindness is that we actually think we see.

Thus is the deadly venom of the illusion of change.

Saint John’s visions of the coming leader of the New World Order, commonly referred to as the Antichrist (with reference to his intentions and philosophical inclinations, thus leading to the conclusion that he could not be the Pope), strongly indicate that he will be the culmination of all previous world empires rolled into one, from ancient Egypt to Rome. In other words, even though he may be availing himself of every hi-tech facility thinkable in order to control, enslave and terrorize his global subjects, underneath, it’s going to be the same barbaric and tyrannical spirit as always.

The only One actually ever effecting REAL change in the course of history will be Jesus.

He may have subtly done so during His first coming.

It will be significantly less subtly during the next.

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We just watched “Avatar,” and against my expectations, based on Christian reviews and articles I had read about it over the past weeks, I really liked it.

Basically, we just watched it for our daughter’s sake, with the usual, “for whatever it’s worth attitude,” but I guess I’m too much of a nature freak myself to have disliked this movie, and I would like to express some thoughts here about where I’m afraid Corporate Christendom is mistaken in most of its mainstream interpretations of the film.

I’m not too naive to not see the obvious “Gaya” message here. But if wanting to save the Earth is “New Age”, then I have shocking news for you: God is New Age, too:

“And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

God happens to love this blue ball, and He apparently does not like the kind of folks who destroy it, regardless of whether they do it in the name of red-white-and-blue flag waving Churchianity or not.

Oh, so there was talk of spirits in the movie. Real scary. They’re alive! What a shocker!

The problem with Corporate Christianity is, they like to deep freeze everything: they like to deep freeze the white-hot Spirit of God, if they can, to keep everyone cool and calm in the churches, lest anyone start any revolutionary fires out there, that the Big Holy Corporation couldn’t control… They like to believe that the minute you’re dead, you’re first going into a state of spiritual deep-freeze so you can’t spook around and haunt anybody, but that’s not what we can glean from the Bible: We have accounts of the spirit of the prophet Samuel, of Elias, Moses, and a cloud of witnesses alive and kicking from beyond the grave, and God turning the hearts of the sons to their fathers. We have a Savior claiming to be the Resurrection and the Life and that whoever believes in Him, would never die, and yet we’ve got all of His supposed “followers” scared stiff of the mere utterance of the word “spirit.”

Sure, the “worship” scenes were a bit weird. But not any weirder than some Pentecostal worship scenes you can watch on Youtube…

Then there are the painfully embarrassing parallels in the story of “Avatar” between the Na’vi (“Natives”?) and not only the American Natives who suffered a similar fate (except for the happy ending), but every native tribe on the face of God’s earth who simply had to be pressed into the same civilized molds they reared us in, otherwise they were not allowed to continue to live: “Become like us, or die” seems to be the interpretation of the Gospel since the birth of the Corporate and officially recognized and state-supported version of Christianity roughly 1700 years ago.

And of course, the even more painful parallels between the victims in the movie and the real live victims of 21st century Christendom: “Whoever is sitting on something you want must become your enemy…” Ouch! Better keep praying for our boys to help our generals haul all that Iraqi Oil on Home to Daddy, where it belongs…

There was an article out a few weeks ago about young people being depressed after watching “Avatar” because they would prefer to live in a world like “Pandora”…

Well, can you blame’em? Maybe they just got sick of gray! Maybe they prefer green to the color of concrete. Maybe they’re sick and tired of the plastic world you’re handing them!

And apparently you haven’t managed to convince them yet that the Place the Christian God has in store for His believers is actually real, or really where it’s happening. Perhaps, if they figure you’re going to be there, walking around in your suit and singing those humdrum holier than thou songs, they couldn’t possibly imagine they’re going to be happy there.

Personally, my own idea of my favorite spot in Heaven is a lot more like the Home of the Na’vi than a church building. Chalk it up to my early “Tarzan” influences (since I devoured a bunch of antiquated Edgar Rice Burroughs tomes in my childhood), but I always thought it would be cool to have a home in a gigantic tree…

Maybe yours is all streets of gold lined with one church building next to another, just like in Tennessee…

But who says that Heaven has to look exactly the same everywhere? Last I heard, it’s a mighty big Place.

I also have no problem with the teaching that God is everywhere and in all living things. I think of Him as being a lot more inclusive than that warmongering, genocidal, separatist version of Christianity that has always preferred its own philosophy of “kill whatever is different” over its supposed Founder’s order, “Love your enemies!”

– The argument, of course, being, “Well, who knows what would have happened, if we would have loved our enemies, instead of killing them?”

I guess God knows. Maybe some day He’ll show all of us what might have happened if the American Natives would have been allowed to continue their existence prior to their extermination, and what Christians might have learned from some of them. Or what if one and a half million Iraqis wouldn’t have been ransacked on grounds of some very shady excuses…

I know it’s tough, learning to love those who are different. We even resist our own children and their weird inklings to want to watch weird movies like that… (Not to mention our wives’ sudden inspirations like wanting to get a dog and open up a tattoo shop…)

We must preserve our own values.

Funny thing is that Jesus’ message was never about preservation, but much more about “Give it up!”

But that’s not something we’re willing to do. Not for Him, and certainly not for “mother earth.”

We insist on keeping driving our “the-fatter-the-better” cars, and we insist on being the champions of the world.

We can’t grant “the others” the slightest chance of ever becoming a threat to us. We’ve got to make sure we remain no.1 “for the sake of the gospel…”

Well, you know my opinion about that type of Gospel.

I suppose a lot of Christians would consider me a traitor the way Jake Sully, the character who tells the Avatar story, was perceived as having betrayed “his own…”

Who would you rather fight for? – A bunch of corporate warmongers, or any peaceful, though perhaps somewhat strange and foreign culture in touch with nature?

I know, you don’t think you could ever make it without all your high-tech toys and your fancy Western life-style, but why not be honest about it and admit that you’re having a problem, and it’s not “the others”? Maybe they only have a weird religion because in their eyes, yours is even weirder!

Maybe Mohammed wouldn’t have even had to cook up Islam, if Christians wouldn’t have been such a pitiful bunch of idolaters at the time he came around…

Why not be honest and confess that it’s we who are sick, totally addicted and hooked on some shiny temptation that looks almost exactly like the real thing, but on the inside is a far cry from it?

Maybe the enemies of Christianity wouldn’t have had to cook up their own New Age religion if Christians wouldn’t always fall so badly for every shiny temptations their real Enemy comes up with… If we wouldn’t fall for him time and time and time and time again…

(Coincidentally, maybe Adam Weishaupt never would have founded the Illuminati if the church had allowed him to marry his deceased wife’s sister…)

Our credo remains, “We have declared terror on terror.” – Hmmm.

Who are the real terrorists, though?

I guess we’ll all know, someday. And a lot of people are going to be in for a shock, when the Dude in whose name they did all that killing is going to pretend as if He never even knew them…

Maybe they never even knew Him. Maybe all they ever worshiped was an idea of Him that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Maybe the truth is somewhere a lot closer to the middle between those “tree-huggers” and the “conquistadores” who want to fell every last tree in the name of progress and enlightenment than most of our conservative brethren would ever have the guts or imagination to consider…

If you ask me, I’d rather be on the side of the victims than on that of the butchers. At least they know how to fight for real, know how to die, and what they’re dying for.

Maybe our God is going to turn out being quite the totally “Other” than ourselves: A God Who not only loves the “good,” the rich and the beautiful, but also the weird, the bad & the ugly, and that He would have wanted us to walk a little more in His shoes, if we were already calling ourselves by His Son’s name, and loved “the least of our brethren” a little more, instead of butchering them by the millions…

One really neat thing that was said in the movie was, “You can’t fill a vessel that’s already full.” — There’s more wisdom in that, and more truth about the reality of Christendom than you’ll ever hear in a thousand sermons. It’s basically the same thing Jesus said to the Pharisees: “If you knew you were blind, you wouldn’t be to blame, but because you think you see….”

When we stop learning and all we want to do is convert everybody to our way of seeing things, something terrible has begun to happen.

You start missing the very purpose for which you were born on this earth. You start seeing everybody who’s different and doesn’t think and act exactly the same as you do as an enemy, instead of saying, “I see you.”

Sure, it’s a terrible thing that a lot of our youth are seeing Gaya worship and New Age as a more attractive alternative to your religion. But maybe it’s because they never really needed a religion as much as they needed the truth, and we must all sincerely ask ourselves whether that’s really what we wanted and were looking for and have found – or did we settle for half-truths mixed with convenient lies?

We wouldn’t have been the only ones.

It has always happened, since the beginning of time, even to people way more perfect than we ever were, made straight in the image of God…

I agree that James Cameron is sincerely mistaken about a few of his views, such as stated in his “Lost Tomb of Jesus” documentary, or in the apparent assumption that Arnold Schwarzenegger is or has ever been anything close to a good actor (although his acting career definitely supersedes the political).

He’s probably going to get his surprises, too, at the end of life’s road…

But I can also see his point. If Jesus was anything like the majority of His followers portray Him, I’d have changed over to the “Gaya” camp long ago, too.

I love my enemy enough to be able to learn from him. Unfortunately, sometimes I have the impression that there’s more to learn from some of our enemies than we can from our supposed friends.

It wasn’t the Romans who were bent on crucifying Jesus, but His own religious leaders…

When will we ever learn?

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I know, the politically correct thing in more than one aspect, would be to shut up. And I could imagine that some of my brethren are praying that I would.
And I have a feeling that their prayers may soon be answered, and I’m just about through with what I’ve got to say. But before I do, just a few more thoughts I’d like to throw out there:

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that God is Love, and that He loves each one of His children beyond measure. But I also know, that part of that love includes a measure of His love that we do not always appreciate: the measure of correction. “For whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth” (Heb.12:6).
And judgment begins with the house of God.

All I’m saying (once again) is, “What if?” – What if – in spite of His never-ending mercy upon all of us (and He knows that I need it more desperately than anyone), there is just too much wrong about the way we do things, than He could allow us to get away with?

As loving and as merciful as He is, what if we, as Christians and thus His self-declared representatives, are making ourselves guilty of sins and crimes that would be a lack of love and justice on His part – toward the rest of the world, if He wouldn’t do anything about it?

What if we’re not really smarter at all than Adam and Eve? Let’s recall: What was their sin? The sin that got us all into this mess and got us the Devil as temporary ruler, master and “god of this world,” was that they believed a lie!
What if we haven’t learned anything from that incident, and haven’t gotten any smarter since?

What if we’re still allowing the serpent to tell us one fairy-tale after another, and we all go, “Yeah, let’s do that!” like they did back then?

I’m thinking of one famous fairy-tale in particular, of 19 bearded “bad guys” with carpet-knives defying the laws of physics and bringing down 3 buildings with 2 planes at free-fall speed, allegedly crashing into the Pentagon with another passenger plane, leaving a hole scarcely big enough for a glider to have hit it, much less any evidence or even so much as an actual photo of the aircraft…
A fairy-tale that has recently been repeated by every journalist with a job around the globe in their wrap-up of the first decade of the millennium and has sent tens of thousands of “Christian” troops off to foreign lands to kill millions, supported by the prayers of the brethren back home.

What if our God just so happens to love the Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Palestinians, too, that have been killed on our behalf – and what if our reasons for killing them weren’t nearly as noble as we were told?
What if God is not just going to stand by and ignore our slaughter of the innocents, and say, “Tsk, tsk, how clumsy, My dears! Now take better care next time, okay?”

What if our God is slowly becoming sick and tired of being made the laughing stock of the rest of the world on our behalf, and there is really some actual modern relevance to that Scripture, “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (Rom.2:24)?

What if we really cannot serve God and Mammon as Jesus said?

What if all those Scriptures we don’t like are just as valid as the ones we always pick and constantly repeat because we like the way their sound tickles our ears?

What if all those dreadful Endtime scenarios of the Book of Revelation are going to be a well-deserved reality, not only for unbelievers, but – let’s just assume for a moment those Scriptures really mean what they say, the Antichrist is going to wage war on the saints – and obviously not talking about the Jews? What if we’re going to actually reap what we have sown, and the Antichrist is going to be our just dessert, for believing his father’s lies, just as it has been since the beginning?

What if we’re not anywhere as good as we think we are, just because we call ourselves Christians?

I know, God loves us, anyway, and He’ll forgive. But it also says that He chastens those He loves, and that those who knew His will and did it not were going to be beaten with more stripes than those who knew it not.
What if God actually means what He says? – Contrary to the dude whose lies we constantly swallow, which he tells only in order to get us into trouble with God?
What if God did actually expect us to use the brains He gave us?

I’m not trying to pretend to be some kind of teacher here. I’m just a nobody asking a couple of uncomfortable questions, because what I read in the Bible and what I see the supposed followers of that Book actually do does not jibe, and it actually makes me feel very uncomfortable…

What if it’s really true that as wonderfully sweet, and loving as Jesus is, there are still those types of Christians around that make Him so sick at His stomach that He feels like vomiting them out (see Rev.3:16)?
What if the Bible is actually right, and the world is not getting any better, but actually worse, including the general quality of Christians and believers?

What if the lies the Devil told in the beginning were actually fairly decent, artistic concoctions of half-truths, compared to the God-forsaken crap we swallow by the truck-loads nowadays?

Maybe we’re not nearly as ingenious as we think just because we know how to handle a remote control or play computer games, or kill people with super-sophisticated weapons…

What if, in reality – contrary to all that we honestly believe and think – we’ve become more stupid than ever?

I know that’s not exactly positive thinking here. I know I’ll never win the title, “The world’s greatest optimist.” But from where I stand, I see tiny shrinking islands of honesty floating on a vast, growing sea of lies, so my optimism is exclusively dedicated to my Savior and Maker, and not so much the bulk of my fellow humans, from whence mine help surely not cometh…

So, it’s probably true: the best thing in the world I can do is to finally shut up. I just hope and pray that you guys are right, and God is either totally tripping on acid, or blind and not anywhere near as pissed off about what He’s seeing as some of your fellow humans are…
Because if He is, and He already said that Sodom and Gomorrah were going to look better on J-Day than Jerusalem, I don’t want to know the fate of some of our present day Sodoms and Gomorrahs… If God is real at all, folks, He certainly couldn’t be the kind of a pussy some of us seem to want to make Him, and I’m afraid sooner or later He’s going to have to prove that to the world.

So, sorry, for having rocked your boat this one more time. I don’t know what else there is to say that could possibly get me into more trouble. I just hope you’re all right and I’m wrong, and we can all blissfully sleep on until our magic prince will awaken us in paradise. All I was saying is, “What if” not?

McDozer’s gone fishing and

rolling a new leaf over at


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Some – or even most people, perhaps, are having a hard time believing that the Devil could be real. They may even believe in God, or a god or some sort of divinity, but the Devil? – Naah!

With me, it’s the other way around. As far as I’m concerned, the existence of the Devil is so overwhelmingly evident in his workings in the minds of mankind and the resulting actions, I cannot help but believe in God and the biblical account of history, because it’s the only explanation of the senselessness all around us that makes sense.

In order to understand what’s going on all around us, one needs to have an understanding of how the Devil operates, and as Paul admonishes us, not be “ignorant of his devices.”

One thing we know about him is that he’s a liar, and if we don’t come to the realization that some of the things we’re being told are downright and blatant lies, nothing makes sense.

We also know that he’s the imitator of God. If God wants us to voluntarily learn to acknowledge that we depend on Him (just for trivial little things such as the air we breathe, every bite of food and sip of water, etc.), then the Devil demands that we adhere to his system of dependence on him and his cronies, which is manifested in his delightful theme of, “work, work, work, so you can pay bills, bills, bills.” (Who else but the Devil could have ever cooked up such a stinking, boring little game?)

Everything God does, the Devil tries too, except that the way he does it sucks. Which is probably precisely the reason why God will finally have to intervene after only 3 1/2 years of the Devil’s ultimate kingdom on earth in order to save His creation from total destruction. The Devil is the absolute champion when it comes to making a mess out of everything.

Accordingly, it is no wonder that the same happens visibly in areas of our daily life, such as the economy or the environment, if you take a look at the bloaks who are in charge of it: They follow in their master’s footsteps, in which lie and deceit are the primary order, and the result is the ever-present fruit of Satan’s efforts since the beginning of time: hoodlum.

You can tell I’m no big friend of the Devil, nor do I manage to eke out an awful lot of sympathy for him.

As far as I’m concerned, the sooner he gets his long-needed kick in the behind, the better off we’re all going to be.

But I’m afraid we’re going to have to wait a little longer in order to see the worst of him yet, because only then will the lesson be completed that we’re supposed to draw from this act entitled “Ye shall be as gods.”

You can never appreciate the Real Thing until you’ve had a dose of the big fake, along with the billions of little fakelets running around…

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There are still furious voices for the truth around, Hallelujah! And one of them is Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.com who just inspired this post with his piece on “The Taxi Driver Who Drove Us to War.”

Mind you, in our age of supposed enlightenment and nearly blinding illumination, up here on the peak of Evolution in the 21st Century, some of what these voices for truth like Raimondo have to say isn’t always exactly popular, and perhaps at times downright politically incorrect.

After all, he dares to insinuate at the end of his article that we are headed for a new set of Dark Ages, instead of the long heralded New Age of blissful New World Order, enlightenment and peace and happiness for everyone.

And now, isn’t that just the type of stuff we all dread to hear!

We want news of happiness and sunshine, of Nobel peace prize winning presidents and starlets turning filthy rich over night, and tales of long lasting plenty and opulence for all.

After all, don’t we deserve it?

– For like having made it all the way to the frosty ol’ peak of Mt. Evolute?

Maybe so.

But maybe not so.

Well, I don’t have to tell you why I liked that article, since any of the handful of readers of this blog know by now that my world view would rightly grant me the title “Mr. Bad News” (since “Dr. Doom” is already taken), and when I look around, I can only confirm Mr. Raimondo’s observation:

Smells like Dark Ages.

Am I a pessimist?


But then, if you know me, I’m also very optimistic when it comes to the ultimate destiny of our home planet.

I know we’re in good hands.

The problem is, “Good Hands” also has a mouth, and His prognosis only confirms the Dark Ages forecast.

So, I’m not really as much of a pessimist as I’m simply a believer in a different Source of information than all those false prophets of peace and fair-weather-happily-ever-after.

A much more reliable Source, as far as my personal experiences are concerned…

To put it bluntly: eventually, it seems as if sooner or later, at some point in time, some of us are probably going to die. (This may come as a shock, but cheer up, here’s the good news:)

The good news is, that it may turn out to be not all too bad in case we should.

And here’s why:

According to Dinesh D’Souza, the evidence for a life after death is sufficient to enable him to safely make the statement that it is both reasonable and “good for us” to believe in such.

Again, my personal Source of information has been confirming that statement and observation since just about forever.

So, cheer up! Things could be worse. And they probably will be, but only in order to get a lot better.

What is there to be grumpy about when the worst thing that could possibly happen to you (as in “kicking the bucket”) is simultaneously probably the best thing that could possibly happen to you? – Unless perhaps you’re on the list of those who are working so feverishly on converting our former paradise into hell on earth for a good lot of us…

And you can’t evade reaping what you’ve sown.

(But then you’re not exactly a likely candidate for reading this blog, either, so I don’t have to worry about you.)

For the rest of us, it’s “Bring on the night!” – Because that’s what it will take in order to bring a New Dawn for real.

Again, the bad news about our new Dark Age is: it’s real, and it’s going to be bad.

I mean really bad: the worst ever.

The good new is: it’s not going to be a very long “Dark Age” this time around, at all, because our Friend in Charge promised He’s going to even shorten that time for us.

So, the proper term for what’s expecting us might be: A Super-Dark Mini-Age.

That doesn’t sound all that bad anymore, does it? So how’s that for an amateur optimist? Am I doing good, or what?

And always keep your focus on what’s coming after it! It’s going to be well worth the pain in the behind that our politicians are currently bestowing upon us.

Happy Ending guaranteed!

Just be sure you only pack the essential for the journey ahead. “Travel lite!” is the slogan of the hour: Whether it’s Jesus or the Inquisition coming for you, you most likely won’t be able to take your furniture with you!

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Some people
don’t want to let our Creator go about His business.
They say He should just stick to the role of a passive Observer Who may have tilted the initial domino & got this universe – or at least life on earth – rolling by leaving whatever information was necessary for the rest of the course of evolution to take care of itself.
The question is whether our Creator is satisfied with that side role. According to science, or at least that relatively small sector of the scientific community adherent to some sort of however vague “Christian” belief (since the rest can obviously do fine without any Supreme Being whatsoever), that is what He must have done, in order to verify their findings that strongly point towards Evolution.
On the other hand, the evolutionary paradigm strongly denies God the slightly more prominent role in His creation ascribed to Him in the Book that Christianity (and Judaism) is based on, and requires us to tear page after page out of that Book, leaving us with little less than a hollow shell of parables and symbolisms.

The problem is, where are those Christians, who obviously consider 21st century science a highly superior authority on our reality than that which the rest of us perhaps slightly more naive believers refer to as “the Word of God” going to stop stripping us of our faith? According to them, that infamous first chapter of our Book is already pure rubbish. How about the 2nd and 3rd chapter? Obviously, according to the current state of affairs within the scientific community it might be safe to assume that they would consider any notion of such a character as the Devil to be the same sort of nonsense as the biblical account of creation.
According to what one might call “evolutionary” or “scientific” Christians then, the Devil was probably just an allegory that was supposed to portray evil, which they can perhaps admit might exist on some philosophical or moral level, even if solely as another by-product of our ever-evolving human brains… (No wonder some folks call it “evilution”)…
And that would force us to dismiss further chapters and passages not only of the Old Testament, but also of the Gospels, the epistles of Paul (who even claimed that the Devil is the god of this present world), as well as the Book of Revelation, which deals a lot with what some would call the End of the world as we know it, announcing that we haven’t seen the worst yet of our old snaky pal…

But what if the Bible is actually more than a pretty dumb Book that one would have to be extremely naive to be taking it literally? What if Paul was right, not only about his notions about the Devil, but also about what he called (with extreme prophetic wisdom) “science falsely so-called,” and about those people who deem themselves wise, but whom God calls foolish?

What if God actually likes His job, and isn’t about to stop messing around with us?

After all, He calls us His children. Well, at least those of us who don’t mind Him being our Father. So, is He just going to abandon His children and say, “Listen up, kiddos, that process I initiated, called Evolution, is going to take care of everything from now on. I’m going to switch over to auto-pilot from now on, and have a vacation… See you ’round….”?

That doesn’t sound like the God I know, the God of Love Who promised, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Nor does it sound like the God Who, according to the Bible, is going to make His abode with us some fine day, on a new earth under a new sky. Sounds as if He had some more serious plans with us than just leaving us as cosmic orphans fending for ourselves.

Let’s say you were a creator by profession. And you actually liked your job. What wold you be doing? You would go ’round creating things, right?

You would probably say one day to your heavenly host of angels, “Listen up, I had an idea: Let’s expand and create another realm full of new creatures and physical life-forms, and let’s make them in such a way that they can communicate with us, so we can have some fun interaction together… After all, we’ve got something great going here, so, let’s get ourselves an interactive audience to share it with…” – Well, maybe something along these lines or to that extent, you get the gist… The creation and consequent merging with the physical realm. The King of the universe preparing for His prince a bride to be rescued and conquered from the hands of some evil usurper.
(That may sound like a fairly-tale, but why deny the Almighty the right to some imagination, just because you may seem to lack any of it? What if all the fairy-tales in the world are going to wind up making more sense in the end than some of your so-called scientific “facts” acquired on some fatally errant premises?)

Well, if you were that Creator, you probably wouldn’t be involved in the construction of every single flower and blade of grass single-handedly, but once you created a race of intelligent and (sometimes) thinking creatures that allegedly looked like the spitting image of you, wouldn’t you see to it that they weren’t utterly going to make a mess of things?

Of course, it may look as if that’s precisely what God is doing. – Let us make a mess of it. But one thing you ought to know about God: He’s actually a kind fellow. He doesn’t just barge in and say, “Listen up, y’all, you’re all gonna do as I say, ‘s that clear?” – He doesn’t force us to worship Him or anything. And if we insist on going our own way for a little while and pretend we don’t need Him, pretend He doesn’t even exist, “Okay, fine then, just do it!”
On the other hand, He’ll be perfectly involved in the lives of those who don’t mind Him! And He’s going to intervene on their behalf when the other, independent guys try to take away their religious freedom, just as he intervened with Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. Another far-fetched allegory? – “Certainly there was no Red Sea parted.” Rip those pages out! ”
– No walks on the water…” Rrrripppp!
– Definitely no flood and hilarious tale of Noah and his arc! On Mars, where we’ve discovered traces of water? Sure. But down here where we’re up to our necks in water? No way!
– No resurrection from the dead and most certainly no supernatural intervention in the End to save us from ourselves…

All you believe in is some scientifically justifiable “Christ,” perhaps described better as a “Great Philosopher.” But what’s so great about His philosophy if your interpratation of reality is true? In the light of the picture you’re painting, He could at best be called a lunatic.

So, if I have to choose between mine and your faith in a far-away God, Who billions of years ago got some evolutionary process rolling, which by some random and weird coincidence happened to churn me out or cough me up or whatever… I think I would have to humbly pass and say, “Do I really have to?” And you see, that’s precisely how attractive this paradigm is (which, after all, is being forced on every school kid in nearly every nation on earth, for the past 70 years): It makes them want to quit the game.
You can play it by yourselves. It’s really no fun at all. Unless you happen to be one of the few lucky winners of the jackpot in the evolutionary casino, one of the “fittest” destined to “survive.” After all, that’s all you do: you survive, but you never really live.
And well, if you don’t like the game and you feel like committing suicide, be our guest, since the world is over-populated anyway.
Overpopulation is just one of those things that happens wihen your Creator’s on a permanent vacation.

Or it could be just one of those things the hyper-rich and hyper-stingy have cooked up in order to keep all their ever-increasing riches for themselves. They also have the money to produce any scientific evidence to keep you from believing in a God who truly cares, knows your name, and didn’t just initiate some random process, but actually created this place not much more than 6000 years ago.

I’m not saying you have to either believe one or the other. I’m just explaining to you why I prefer to believe in the option which you’re telling me is impossible.
I find yours a lot more impossible to believe.

What if the Devil is no fairy-tale, after all, and he was just a whole lot smarter than you had the capacity to imagine? What if he’s getting ready to invade your home planet right now? You’d for sure be better off with a God then Who’s not off on vacation, but actually likes getting involved.
Just because you wouldn’t want Him to get involved in your life, why deny me the right to have Him involved in mine? Why not let a Creator do His job?

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In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, the light, the dry land, vegetation, and only then (according to the biblical account) – as unbelievable to our evolution-framed minds as it may sound – the rest of the matter in the universe: the stars and other planets and the moons, then the fishes and birds, land animals, and finally, His crowning creation, man, took a rib from his side and made a woman from it. As outrageously bizarre as all that may sound to us, when God saw it, He begged to differ and deemed it good.

It was a spotless, you might say just about perfect world, bubbling with the knowledge of good, the sheer evidence of a divine Creator as visible by His handiwork, truly deserving of this attribute: “good.”

Then along came the first lie, well presented by the mind of an obviously skilled debater and “debunker,” mind you, and as innocent and perhaps gullible and naive as the first human couple was, they swallowed it – hook line and sinker, introducing into that pure world the factor that would change everything – well, nearly everything: evil.

However long or short their existence in a good and perfect world had been, the difference between what had been and was now was as vast as night and day, as life and death itself. They may not have died physically, but was this really life? Not when you’ve known the real thing…


In the beginning was the Word – the Word so unlike those empty, hollow, vain and idle sounds proceeding from human mouths that may say one thing and mean another – the Word of truth, perhaps hard to believe for those who prefer a lie; and as scarce as it always has been in this world, the supply of that truth was always greater than the demand for it by a race that always seems to have had a greater knack for the darkness than the light, the lie, rather than the truth.

Along came Charles Darwin with a proposition of an idea and theory he would have meant to be perhaps carefully considered, but when people heard it, they immediately embraced it as their new truth: “This is IT!” they exclaimed! “This is going to be our new truth! Let us banish the old one and teach this teaching as the sole and principal foundation of all that shall be called knowledge from henceforth. From now on, our children will grow up being taught the new truth!”

Great men arose, basing their lives’ philosophy on “The Origin of Species,” names that would change the world as it had previously been known (similar to the way it had so drastically changed once before, millennia ago), names like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao – only to name a few – who proved by their unprecedented slaughter of millions that truly, this was a world of “the survival of the fittest.”

New sciences were created and billions and yet billions of dollars and other currencies were pumped into new “evidence” that would support the new paradigm and the abolition of the old, (for there was no illusion that enough money could not create and make it appear deceivingly real if it was being repeated often enough), simultaneously increasing the machinery that would continuously support the survival and domination of the fittest: ever more powerful weapons, capable of annihilating every breath that would dare to rise up against them.

Soon, mankind would be ready for the arrival of the dawn of a New Age and World Order, headed by the one in whom the mindset of liberation from the old truth would culminate, and who would fill mankind’s atrocious need for a god by his own forceful assumption of that position: a time of triumph for some, and one of greater sorrow than they had ever known for those who refused to embrace this final manifestation of the “new truth.”

In order to make a final statement underlining the universal paradigm of “the survival of the fittest,” the new world leader at last declared all-out war on those who refused to bow down to him, and on the One Himself who dwells in the heavens, a time of great persecution, bloodshed and tribulation, culminating in one final battle, which was won with one great shout and yet another outrageous act of defying all that humans would have deemed possible or even thinkable, just as He had done it in the beginning.


In the new beginning, there was love. Love in the hearts of a people who had been saved from the darkness, from the lies and from the evil they had brought upon themselves by ever welcoming these things and preferring them to the light, to the truth, and over that which was good. Love that had been acquired from the painful lesson of where all these lies, the evil and the accompanying sins would lead. Love for a God, Who, in the End turned out to have known better than all the proclaimed wise men of ages past, and – as outrageously unbelievable as it may sound once again – love, at long last, for one another.

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I remember the first time I saw the Matrix pretty much exactly 10 years ago, I knew I had seen something very special. I had watched films before that had had a touch of the supernatural, almost like a message form God, like Zeffirelli’s “Brother Sun, Sister Moon,” and a few others, but this was special, and there have been very few movies since, that got anywhere near the deep spiritual significance of the Matrix, as far as I’m concerned.

Don’t get me wrong, I know all about the way the powers that be use Hollywood and all that goes with it to manipulate the masses.

But I believe that there is a greater Matrix that envelopes the smaller matrix of the NWO schemers and their god: the bigger Picture of God, that happens to include the picture of our present reality including its evils, and that when it comes down to it, the Devil is just playing a part if God’s plan, whether he wants or not.

Which doesn’t mean I’m a fatalist, either; nor can I say exactly to what extent free choice effects destiny or vice versa.

As much as we hate it: we have to leave some of the facts and details up to God & trust we’ll find them out in His good time…

Some people didn’t understand all the rave and ado about it. They didn’t get it then and they don’t get it now. They figured, “Cool effects,” but they prefer “Lord of the Rings” or “Star Wars.” I guess it’s like musical taste: some liked the Beatles, some liked the Stones, or some like Britney…

Matrix was a movie you’ve had to watch it a few times until you really got all the details.

Back then I was still with one foot in the System and one on a banana peel.

But with all that has happened since then, you might say I’m definitely unplugged now (as in living by faith).

Back then, I may have known the way in theory, but I hadn’t really begun to walk in it yet.

I had some rough thoughts and ideas about how the dark forces are manipulating us from behind the scenes, but I wasn’t aware to what extent.

I was affiliated with what you might call “The Resistance,” but I wasn’t nearly as active a part in it as now.

Not until 9/11.

In a way, having seen the Matrix was perfect preparation for not falling for the lies they told us since 9/11.

While the towers were still burning, Rumsfeld spoke of “retaliation.” And I knew that what I was watching was propaganda. – The machines at work.

Six months later we watched television for the last time in our home.

We unplugged ourselves from the current of the mainstream media brainwash and started getting plugged in to the line of communication with the “Top,” call it Zion, call it Heaven…

…Call it Jesus. I guess if Neo represents any one thing it’s Jesus, but also what Jesus can do through each one of us if we dare to let go of the lie they have told us all our lives and believe that “There is no spoon.”

– The knowledge of the Matrix being a fake enables you to do things that most people in the Matrix can’t do.

I’ve often wondered if that’s what perhaps empowered Jesus to walk on water, etc.: the knowledge that there is no spoon. If our physical world was just a bunch of encoded information (and they’re finding out that there are gigabytes worth of information in every living cell… who knows what we’ll yet find out about the make-up of our universe…), and He knew the code (since He had obviously written it: “In the beginning was the Word = logos = information…”) then the program He had written was subject to Him, and it was not that He was – as we are – subject to or victim of the circumstances. – An idea that drives home the level to which His crucifixion was an absolutely voluntary sacrifice.

Similarly to the way Neo had to decide to risk (and give) his own life for his friend Morpheus, I have also learned since, how much truth there is in not thinking it’s you, or that we have to do it ourselves, but sometimes we just have to be there for someone else, and like Jesus said, be willing to lay down our lives for someone else, and that’s when all of a sudden you find yourself “in the way,” actually walking in it, not just merely talking about it or dreaming about it.

The big surprise at the end is that not even death can stop that kind of love, but it totally overcomes the Matrix and its agents. No wonder, if you keep in mind that God is love…

After a while of living in the consciousness of the extent of the Lie, the fake steak of the Matrix becomes meaningless to you, and money – since you know it’s just part of the lie – becomes almost irrelevant, and in its present form on its way to history, anyway.

Since Obama, the powers that are working on introducing the new global economic order have shifted to turbo, and it’s not as if Revelation 13 was like Sci-Fi in some distant future anymore.

Other people apart from us “loonies” can actually see it happening somewhere in the not too distant future – the cashless society.

It’s exciting.

That’s another thing that has changed: I’m not scared anymore.

It’s like you just know everything is going to be okay, even if they kill you.

Similar to the plots of the sequels to the Matrix, the Resistance isn’t actually always as united as it should be, and many don’t believe in “the One,” or in anything supernatural, for that matter, and the enemy forces are sheer overwhelming in numbers; but that’s all the more reason why you can pretty much take for granted that this war isn’t going to be won by sheer power of force, nor with physical weapons.

The fact that Neo had to take the last steps of his way blind illustrated that it’s only by faith and not by sight that the final battle is going to be won, and that’s what many people just don’t want to see, because they think their own arm is strong enough, while their faith isn’t…

Regardless of whether the NWO mind-manipulators had their hands in the making of this trilogy, it wouldn’t be the first time that God used something the Devil would like to take the credit for.

Some people give the Devil too much credit and are too scared that God is some kind of weakling… They’re scared of the stars, scared of candles, scared of sex, scared of the wrong kind of music…

But we’re not going to win this war by being scared.

Sometimes the battle looks so hopeless, even the Enemy asks us,” why do you keep fighting?” Neo’s answer to Agent Smith, “Because I choose to” was not appreciated by everyone, but it’s our choice not to give in that is going to see anyone through in the end.

You simply have to choose to keep fighting the Enemy. What other choice have you got? Quit? Surrender?

The message was, “Hell, no, we haven’t even yet begun to fight,” even if not with those words…

The one thing I didn’t like was the ending of the trilogy. A cop-out. A truce between the Resistance and the machines, which in the Matrix scenario may have been the only realistic solution, but it won’t be in the real battle.

Some people hold a grudge against God because of the bloodshed depicted in the book of Revelation or Ezekiel, and hate the God Who would allow any such thing to happen.

They would prefer for good and evil to coexist peacefully together in some sort of lukewarm truce. But I sometimes wonder if they ever dig anything at all of what life is teaching us.

I remember reading Revelation as a teen, and I felt very much like Neo did in the scene of movie when he finds out just what the Matrix is, and the first thing he does is throw up.

It’s a toughie, facing the reality of our world as God sees it, also, or especially in regard to its impending future (preceding the happy ending) as He foretells it (see Revelation 19-21). And not many people have the guts to face that reality.

But the only way we’re ever going to have peace and any type of victory is if we have enough guts to hate evil, and if nothing else in this world will ever teach us to do that, I’m afraid the coming years most certainly will.


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