
Posts Tagged ‘brainwashing’

What if the God Who wouldn't do things according to our plans has a few of His own?

Science is supposedly something based on observation: we explain how things work that we actually see happening in nature. That’s one of the flaws of the theory of Evolution: it is not based on things we actually observe, but blatantly defies some of our observations. For example, never has there been known any force or process to bring about information from lifeless matter without an intelligent author, and yet the evolutionists expect us to believe that all the heaps of information in every little cell were supposed to have come about by itself.

According to the theory of Evolution, we’re also supposed to be “evolving” and progressing, improving, and thus become more intelligent, but one honest look around will only confirm the opposite actually taking place.

Evolution is faith, quite similar to the faith we place in paper currencies. An American tourist may believe that the paper god in his wallet in which he trusts, is almighty, but may experience shock when confronted with the actual purchasing power of his once so powerful currency in, let’s say Europe.

We may believe certain things to be fact and we may “think” we know something, when what we are actually dealing with is a case of gross inflation: our heads and egos are inflated by a strong confidence in information and values that, when put to the fiery test, actually turn out to be invalid and worthless.

That’s why the Lord told Isaiah that His thoughts were as high above ours as the heavens were above earth. We may be absolutely sure that we know something, and then He comes along and blows on our “facts” and shows us just how ridiculous it was for us to assume we were so smart.

Some of our self-fabricated dogmas, mindsets and “facts” can even become so outrageous as to make Him laugh (see Psalm 2:1-4).

We do it because we want to be the boss. We want to determine what’s true or false, what’s goood or bad, instead of letting Him decide for us. Well, perhaps He – like any good parent – also wants us to make our own experiences along those lines.

The more convinced we are that we know certain things, the harder it can become for Him to persuade us otherwise.

The religious Jewish authorities during Jesus’ times were pretty sure of their ideas as to what the Messiah was suposed to look or act like.

He was going to be their Savior and liberator from the physical chains of Roman opression. Just like Moses had led them out of the bondage and opression of the first world empire, the Messiah was to liberate them from the oppressors of this one, which they figured was to be the last.

But it turned out that the Messiah Whom God deemed fit to send along was going to liberate them from something they didn’t even want to know that they had been subjects, servants and slaves to, namely their own sins. They didn’t even know they needed liberation from that. Who needs liberation from sin, when you’re the cream of the crop of God’s chosen people?

They expected a Savior that was going to bring about changes by a display of physical strength that was going to make the heathen tremble.

Instead, this meek Messiah chose to sacrifice Himself for the darn heathen and anyone who wanted to become God’s child from then on.

What sort of an unorthodox God was at work here? He doesn’t seem to be operating much according to our own ideas…

Likewise, not a lot of people today are interested in that sort of salvation, either. God is okay for supplying material needs and physical health, but when it comes to spiritual things, let’s keep it on the entertaining side of things. And woe if He dares to let us down. We’ll be quick to change camps.

Woe if He allows anything bad happen to us, or even allows someone we love to die – the epitome of all evils!

– But is it?

Or isn’t it rather so that one of the main reasons He came was to liberate us from the slavery of one of our worst sins, namely our fear of death?

If He came to deliver “them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage,” (Heb.2:15), then why are we still so scared of it, and why do we still get so upset whenever He takes someone Home that we love?

We would like God to do things differently than they actually happen: kill all the bad people, and let all the good people live. Make us rich and healthy and the other ones poor and sick.

Then we can believe. Then we’ll attend church and sing “How great Thou art!” – No wonder. It’s easy then, isn’t it?

But what if death isn’t the epitome of evil at all? What if He really wasn’t kidding when He said, “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (Jn.5:24)?

And what if being rich and successful isn’t necessarily the epitome of bliss and happiness, for each and every one of us, personally, either?

What if He in fact knows best, after all, what’s good for us, and what isn’t?

What if He’s really the One calling the shots, and won’t be blackmailed, either, by our, “If You’re good to me, I’ll believe in You, and if You’re not, I won’t” type of faith?

What if the God Who wouldn’t do things according to our plans has a few of His own?

Then why not grant Him the same type of freedom that He grants us?

But no, the minute His ideas dare to deviate from ours, we scientifically declare that He doesn’t exist, or no, that He’s not the Messiah, not the right kind, not what we expected, no way, crucify that one!

Probably the only thing about us that has really evolved, and that to outlandish proportions – is our arrogance.

It’s sort of ridiculous that true believers must implore their fellowmen to show just a little bit of tolerance and openness toward an Almighty Creator. Just because He wouldn’t do things the way they would if they were in charge, they grab a gun, kill a bunch of people, or live their lives accordingly, slowly but surely converting this place that once was paradise into hell on earth… Forcing my child to believe that he’s a monkey… Brainwashing him day and night with their dogma of over-population (“So feel free to relieve the problem and commit suicide”?)… Of why we have to go and kill other people in the name of our own justice…

Thank God He’s not one of us! I think we’d be in really rotten shape then!

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Having been to the U.S. changed my life forever, because it was the first step I took toward the full realization that the only place that the “Great Country” as which the United States of America is always depicted actually exists, is in its movies. Of course, most people don’t experience the same I did when they travel there, possibly because their brainwashing started earlier than mine. Trying to figure out to which circumstance I can ascribe my ability to discern something real from a fake (- apart from some supernatural gift the Bible calls discernment -) I can only come up with the fact that my parents didn’t allow a TV in our house until I was around six years old. And even then I wasn’t allowed to watch everything.

I ascribe to this circumstance – and I wouldn’t call it lucky as much as the direct miraculous intervention of God – that I am one of the apparently rare breed of humans who are still able to distinguish whether what any high-ranking politician is saying actually makes any sense or not. Most people – my guesstimate, probably more than 99.5% of the Western population – hear a speech, say, by the President of the United States, and they automatically figure that because he is the leader of the great Nation that is home to Hollywood, it must make some sense somehow, and there must be goodness and truth in it. They need no further verification. Their inner “bullshit” detector – originally installed in humans by their Maker in ancient times, also referred to as “common sense,” is left dysfunctional and obsolete, of course, driving the 0.5% of the population whose sense for right and wrong is still intact to the edge of insanity everytime the President opens his mouth and his audience responds by applause, instead of doing what would be the appropriate reaction, namely to tar and feather or strangle him.

My personal guess is that this worldwide immunization to total nonsense by nearly non-stop exposure to Corporate propaganda both via the media, press and public school curricula is what the Book of Revelation is referring to as “the wine of the wrath of her fornication” by which the mysterious Whore “Babylon” has made drunk the nations of the earth. This may sound like total lunacy to you, but I’m convinced it will be taught as fact in your grand-children’s history books.

Now, 7 years after 9/11 you wouldn’t get me back to that country except by abduction. “1984” has become reality 24 years behind schedule, but everybody is so perfectly brainwashed, they perceive it as perfectly normal, probably the same way German citizens 70 years ago used to think it was normal for undesirable elements of their society to be shipped off to special camps…

Let’s analyze a little bit that strange concoction termed in the Bible, “The wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Some still contend that the description of Babylon fits the Roman Catholic Church, but I’ve already disputed the notion that there would be any such weapon in the hands of the Catholic Church that would exert such power of all nations. If anything, – having been raised a catholic – the power of the church always struck me as something extremely sobering, not at all intoxicating.

Whereas there isn’t a nation on earth that hasn’t tasted from the wine of entertainment running from the presses of the U.S. movie industry, not a single country whose population wouldn’t at least in part be “high” on that rush of reality-altering intoxication, the gas of the benefits of capitalism, silently and voluntarily unleashed upon each family by themselves via their satellite dishes and TV sets.

“What’s wrong with a little bit of entertainment?” Nothing, if all it wants to do is “entertain us” and distract us from our usually quite different reality a little bit, and get us away from thinking. It’s another story, though, if we’re lured into a different kind of thinking altogether, and being manipulated so we’ll act in a certain way that will cater to the goals of a certain powerful group of people.

Let’s have a look at the stuff they’re pushing on our bewildered, passive brains:

  1. First of all: Money Rules! – Happiness equals money. You’re a winner if you’ve got it, you’re a loser if you don’t. In stark contrast to what Jesus had to say about the issue…

2. Fun rules. Even if you don’t have loads of money, it is still your “right” to have fun, and to get it whichever way. After all: you’re all just mutated little monkeys, right? So what other purpose could there be in life other than that?

3. Youth rules. Adults are ogres, kids are innocent, charming little princes and princesses, and if you want to avoid being labeled a total a..h..e, you’d better spend the rest of your life bending over backwards to cater to every single wish of your little ones. (After all, it’s your own fault if you were dumb enough to have any in the first place…)

4. Truth rules – NOT! It’s perfectly legitimate to lie and deceive in order to get what you want. That’s what their god has been doing from the beginning and what he’s best at, so how could his gospel ever preach anything else?

5. Thou shalt kill! If you want to solve problems, a gun is the best and quickest way to do it. Whether it’s your girl cheating on you, or the stupid Christian kids in your school, the best thing you can do for the New World Order is steal your papa’s gun, mow them all down, so that we can finally convince the rest of the world how dangerous it is to have people able to defend themselves & alter gun laws to take them all away from you. (Following the old scheme of first tempting to commit evil in order to accuse afterwards.)

6. America rules! It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that America is the greatest country* ever to have existed on the face of the earth, and any creature daring to insinuate otherwise is a terrorist and ought to be tortured to death.

7. Oh yeah, did we mention it? Torture is legitimate! After all, you want to extract the necessary information from the “evildoers” so that we can eliminate them and liberate the rest of the world, ummm from their evil ways, of course, hehe.

8. Discipline and order suck! If you don’t want to be an absolute moron, hated and spitted upon by the rest of the world, then for Ch…’s sakes, leave the rest of the world be and do whatever they damn please to (except for them America-hating terrorists, of course), but especially them young ones. After all, all they want is have a little fun, and … remember rule no.2: there is no other purpose in life.

9. Jesus Christ is one of approximately 5 million bad words you utter whenever something dreadfully bad happens, you’re terribly upset, or you want to kill someone.

10. Anyone who adheres to these moral codes and swallows this stuff is “good,” anyone who won’t isn’t and will wind up on the blacklist of all the superheroes in the world combined: Spiderman, Batman, the Incredible Hulk, Superman, George Bush… they’re all gonna come and get ya, and you gonna wish you hadn’t a messed wit dem!

How do I know all these things? Simple. I’ve watched enough movies. These, of course are only the top ten of hundreds of rules you learn to keep if you keep swallowing the wine of wrath & (Cali)fornication (as some have termed it). The attractive thing about them is that they’re not just some somber, stiff rules that make you go through life all dry and sober like a piece of sackcloth, but drunk as a skunk. The only disadvantage is the hangover the next morning, and the crude awakening to the dude waving the bill under your nose, demanding you pay the fiddler.

* (Which may have even been true, before its inhabitants allowed corrupt leaders and national pride to cheat them out of their integrity)

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