
Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

According to this article from England, alas, it is looking bleak for the future of the English language, or perhaps, language per se…

If “in the beginning was the Word (Logos),” in other words, as the German Creation Scientist Werner Gitt put it, “…Information,” then it looks as if once again, the theory of Evolution is turning out to be the biggest pile of goose dump ever sold to humanity as fact, since what is actually happening is evidently the opposite : the decline of communication and the very stuff that was necessary to get the ball of Creation rolling: information.

It’s not that there isn’t any exchange of words happening, and to some degree, what one might still call information of sorts, it’s just that the actual amount of valid information in what’s being said is rapidly racing toward the zero mark, and the quality, as we have observed with so many other things in our times, such as even our fruits and vegetables, and even the dirt in which they’re grown, is decreasing with shocking speed.

No wonder scientists think they’re gods. Compared to the average IQ of the media-fabricated zombies all around them, it must be frighteningly easy to fall for the temptation of deeming oneself omniscient…

I’m not denying that there are folks who don’t follow the trend and decline, but, ladies and gentlemen, tell me, please, what’s it all worth if you’re as smart as Einstein, but the System has it all rigged up to create blank minds in the future citizens of this globe?

And while we’re all so infatuated with our own cleverness, we idly stand by as our kids are being turned into intellectual zeros…

After all, we kid ourselves, “Evolution’s going to take care of it!” It’s the undefeatable law of, “We’re all going to get smarter, no matter what, because we’re all evolving, see?” (I wish Ricky Gervais would have the guts and brains to take the piss out of his fellow evolutionists someday, the way he does with creationists and believers of any type – it would sound magnificent to hear him say a phrase like that last one before the parenthesis…)

I guess the Devil really must hate the concept of useful information being transferred from one place (like a brain) to another, and so his goal must be the total stupification of mankind. I know I already addressed that topic, but it never struck me like that:

Perhaps the end of the world will look like this: billions of morons staring skywards, unable to utter anything remotely more sensible than “Awwwwwwww….” as the last few remaining folks still capable of articulating entire phrases escape from this world in the only direction left to go…

It’s not that some people aren’t diabolically clever. It’s just that their diabolical cleverness isn’t doing anybody any good. The fruits of it are becoming plain: absolute, total, terrifying, devastating and global stupidity.

I know that may sound a bit mean, but you see, I have to take advantage of the golden opportunity to spell out these words before the majority of our population are going to be left clueless as to their meaning…

I’m not saying that one has to be smart in order to be good. Not necessarily. One can be wise by being simple. But they have to be wise enough to adhere to the proper type of input. And while everybody’s feeding on input that’s supposed to make them believe that they’re smarter than anybody else who ever walked this earth, their offspring and younger peers are slowly being transformed into beings that – if the trend continues – will not be able to communicate properly with the oh-so-smart but unceasingly aging rest of us. So, something has got to be wrong about our way of thinking: that fable of the ever-mutating super-monkey.

Some say it’s all religion’s fault that folks are becoming so dumb. I agree. But it’s more likely the religion of Evolution that is causing the problem. Because even the most devout Christian has been affected to some degree by that bug of “automatic superiority” because of the underlying dogma that we’re supposedly developing into something better, higher and smarter all the time.

You’ve got to be outrageously insane to actually take notice of the opposite happening.

We’re being constantly told and drilled to believe that the exact opposite is happening of what is actually and in reality taking place, and the illusion is made perfect by ever increasing special effects in the movies, ever fancier technological gimmicks, and an ever increasing perfection of the outward shell of our System, along with the perfectly styled and surgically altered appearances of each individual.

When all the while something is rotting inside.

No wonder people are so much into horror movies these days. There’s some real bad voodoo going on, and it’s turning everything into ever more beautiful somethings on the outside, while the inside is becoming uglier by the minute, somewhat like Oscar Wilde’s character Dorian Gray.

Maybe Oscar was onto something…

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The dead seem to be more alive than the living these days.

At least it seems to me that I’m finding more that I can wholeheartedly agree with among the writings of the deceased than among the ceaseless, ever more superficial and pseudo-intelligent babble of the large bulk of my contemporaries.

Well, as a person who never had a problem with life after death, and ever more evidence surging for it, including some refreshing accounts of how the dead seem to be alive and kicking and joyously communicating with those left behind on this side of the veil, I’m not too shocked. Although, who wouldn’t wish he had a few more friends we can actually feel and see?

But then it’s hard to come across minds even remotely comparable to some of those who dared to make a difference in the decades and centuries gone by – minds like that of Malcolm Muggeridge, whom I only recently discovered and find out I’m having more in common with than most of my living acquaintances.

I doubt, for instance, if I would find among the living anyone able to put into words as appropriately and eloquently my very own opinion on the topic of education as he did in his book “Jesus Rediscovered:”

“Education, the great mumbo-jumbo and fraud of the age, purports to equip us to live, and is prescribed as a universal remedy for everything, from juvenile delinquency to premature senility. For the most part, it only serves to enlarge stupidity, inflate conceit, enhance credulity and put those subjected to it, at the mercy of brain-washers with printing presses, radio and television at their disposal.”

“The most powerful instrument of all in bringing about the erosion of our civilization was none other than the public education system set up with such high hopes and at so great expense precisely to sustain it.”

— Or on the topic of science:

“We are perfectly capable of believing other things intrinsically as improbable as Christ’s incarnation. Towards any kind of scientific mumbojumbo we display a credulity which must be the envy of African witch-doctors. While we shy away with contumely from the account of the creation in the Book of Genesis, we are probably ready to assent to any rigmarole by a Professor Hoyle about how matter came to be, provided it is dished up in the requisite jargon and associated, however obliquely, with what we conceive to be ‘facts’.

I suppose every age has its own particular fantasy. Ours is science. A seventeenth-century man like Pascal, though himself a mathematician and scientist of genius, found it quite ridiculous that anyone should suppose that rational processes could lead to any ultimate conclusions about life, but easily accepted the authority of the Scriptures. With us it is the other way round.”

–Or organized religion (aka “Churchianity“):

“Professing Christians and ostensibly Christian societies and institutions have by no means been true to the cross and what it signified, especially today when the nominally Christian part of the world is foremost in worship of the Gross National Product—our Golden Calf—and in pursuit of happiness in the guise of sensual pleasure. Yet there the cross still is, propounding its unmistakable denunciation of this world and of the things of this world.”

The way I came across my new heavenly friend was by means of one of his quotes on evolution, to which, of course, I also couldn’t agree more:

“I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it’s been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has. I think I spoke to you before about this age as one of the most credulous in history, and I would include evolution as an example.”

Since there are such wonderful aspects awaiting someone like me in the afterlife, of finally actually meeting folks on the same weird wavelength as mine, I can only agree with his following statement as well:

“As I do not believe that earthly life can bring any lasting satisfaction, the prospect of

death holds no terrors.“

To round off this train of thoughts, I’ll end this with a quote from wee little me:

When even that which is considered the worst that can possibly happen to a person – death – turns out to actually be the best that can possibly happen, then what is there to fear? What is there to lose? (April 20, 2008)

“That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14, 15).

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Dear Scott,

first of all I want to thank you for having replied to my recent comment in such a calm, kind and patient manner. It has confirmed to me once again that atheists, as different in their world views from my own as they may be, sometimes possess the very “Christian” attributes of kindness and patience, etc., that we, the believers, aren’t exactly always famous for.

Probably a large part of the world doubts the existence of our God at least in part due to to our failure to behave the way He would want us to.

But you have to see our dilemma: We’re up against a huge construct, the matrix of science, that has left very little room for an excuse for living for our kind, the ones you refer to as those possessing “medieval” views. While others may refer to religion as the matrix that holds certain people captive (and I strongly agree when it comes to many of the dogmas of the established churches and religions), what bothers me is that a large part of what is being conveyed as “facts” on behalf of the scientific community is in actuality a far cry from the right to be referred to as thus, and is often only a theory at best (if it is based on observation) or (if not) some paradigm based on yet another assumption that we are never told how vague it actually is.

In my opinion, the authority that a lot of our current science apparatus is based on, is raw power: man power fueled by the gigantic flow of resources poured into the effort to uphold and elaborate on the philosophy and theory that has become the only acceptable one in our society. In my opinion, it is comparable to the force dictatorial regimes such as the Soviets under Stalin, the Nazis under Hitler or the Communists under Mao have used, to only name a few, and coincidentally, the paradigm of Evolution is the one common factor between those regimes and our supposedly free democratic world.

Thus you can perhaps understand how frustrating it may be to fend against your giant construct when all we, the Creationists have, is one chapter of a Book that is supposed to give us the only alternative, which seems totally absurd in the light of what the scientific community claims are the facts.

I want to thank you also for pointing out the one argument which in your opinion speaks in favor of the existence of our God, and you’re doubtlessly right that without having personally experienced the Presence and Power of such a God, I would not be wasting my time on writing this.

One thing however, you seem to have ignored completely about my previous comments, and that is the issue of the discovery of information as a necessary ingredient for any formerly conceived as “simple” or even simplest life form, and the fact that never in the history of mankind has any force or process been observed that should have brought forth information from lifeless matter without an author.

It is here where the Bible gives us a clue that confirms this. It starts out with the same three words as that infamous first chapter of the Bible that makes those who take the rest of the Book literally the laughing stock of the scientific community, “In the beginning…,” but then continues with the thought, “…was the Word.” A word (Greek: logos) is a means to transmit or convey information, and the German Creation scientist Dr. Werner Gitt has elaborated on this further in his book “In the Beginning was Information.”

So, we – the community of believers in the Author of that Information – know that at the beginning of creation (you may prefer to call it the universe) there was, evidently, Information. And I’m talking information not of the kind that a bunch of chimpanzees could have randomly produced by hacking away on typewriters for gazillions of years (very lousy argument, btw.), but specific information necessary to produce a functioning universe with complex life, written in the specific language or code that the existing receptors of that information were (and continue to be in every cell of your body) able to process. We’re not talking Hamlet here, but something far more complex.

Now, you and your distinguished colleagues from the science community tell us that there is nothing that a few billion or trillion years could not accomplish, along with a little bit of luck, and, well, perhaps the aid of an infinite amount of parallel universes to keep trying their luck at this cosmic casino, which happened to enable ours to hit the jackpot.

In other words, the difference between your Gospel and ours is, “In the beginning there was time.” Lots of it. I mean really, lots and lots of it. So much time in fact, that it is totally impossible for us to comprehend it, seeing that even the alleged 6000 years of world history the Bible comes up with seem like a dozen eternities to us. So much time that it would sound utterly ridiculous to even start arguing against it.

The power of your argument then lies in, as I stated above, in the sheer power of numbers:

1. The astronomical sum of money that has been poured into keeping the evolutionary science apparatus alive over more than a century (Apparently the Vatican isn’t the only entity dedicated to financing religious beliefs). It would probably be no exaggeration and perhaps even modest to speculate that a dollar or ten or even a hundred for every year that is supposed to have passed since the Big Bang may have been just what kept that theory being drilled into every earth child’s head for the past 70 years.

2. The legions of employees of those resources: teachers, media personnel, professors, palaeontologists, archaeologists, geologists and members of other sciences who only stand a chance to last in their profession if they obediently allow their findings to confirm the existing paradigm (What happened to some of those who didn’t can be seen in Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed!

3. And, as mentioned before, the number of years it is supposed to have taken for “all of this” (= Evolution) to have taken place. – A number, by the way, which seems to be subject to the same sort of inflation over the decades as the currencies that keep the theory blasting in living rooms and class rooms alike.

Let’s be honest, Scott: We are very easily impressed by numbers. With numbers that you and your colleagues come up with, it’s easy to stay calm. I’m having to struggle to even pay my rent, because nobody wants to support a lunatic who seriously believes in the biblical account of Creation. It is definitely safer to swim with the current of the mainstream of the evolutionary matrix. – Especially since I’m not part of the machinery of the religious establishment matrix, either.

The only thing I’ve got going for me is a God Who couldn’t care less about numbers and all the odds against Him and His Cause. He has always, throughout history (the history that you wouldn’t seriously grant us, because you’ve read dozens of book that told you “It wasn’t really so…”) – well, throughout what we believe to be history, in that case – won His battles with one or two or a handful of people against largely superior armies.

If I’m wrong and you’re right, then the wielders of the sheer power of wealth, mass and numerical superiority may have the world for good, and our brand of lunatics will disappear before long (especially since it’s our brand of people that is coming dangerously close to be branded as the sort of “terrorists” that are to blame for all the evils in this world, soon to justify a new, global kind of holocaust).

However, if – against all the astronomic odds – I and my brothers and sisters should turn out to be right, after all, it shall be the meek, not the dinosaurs (the Tyrannosauruses of Wall Street et al), who will inherit the earth.

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Some people
don’t want to let our Creator go about His business.
They say He should just stick to the role of a passive Observer Who may have tilted the initial domino & got this universe – or at least life on earth – rolling by leaving whatever information was necessary for the rest of the course of evolution to take care of itself.
The question is whether our Creator is satisfied with that side role. According to science, or at least that relatively small sector of the scientific community adherent to some sort of however vague “Christian” belief (since the rest can obviously do fine without any Supreme Being whatsoever), that is what He must have done, in order to verify their findings that strongly point towards Evolution.
On the other hand, the evolutionary paradigm strongly denies God the slightly more prominent role in His creation ascribed to Him in the Book that Christianity (and Judaism) is based on, and requires us to tear page after page out of that Book, leaving us with little less than a hollow shell of parables and symbolisms.

The problem is, where are those Christians, who obviously consider 21st century science a highly superior authority on our reality than that which the rest of us perhaps slightly more naive believers refer to as “the Word of God” going to stop stripping us of our faith? According to them, that infamous first chapter of our Book is already pure rubbish. How about the 2nd and 3rd chapter? Obviously, according to the current state of affairs within the scientific community it might be safe to assume that they would consider any notion of such a character as the Devil to be the same sort of nonsense as the biblical account of creation.
According to what one might call “evolutionary” or “scientific” Christians then, the Devil was probably just an allegory that was supposed to portray evil, which they can perhaps admit might exist on some philosophical or moral level, even if solely as another by-product of our ever-evolving human brains… (No wonder some folks call it “evilution”)…
And that would force us to dismiss further chapters and passages not only of the Old Testament, but also of the Gospels, the epistles of Paul (who even claimed that the Devil is the god of this present world), as well as the Book of Revelation, which deals a lot with what some would call the End of the world as we know it, announcing that we haven’t seen the worst yet of our old snaky pal…

But what if the Bible is actually more than a pretty dumb Book that one would have to be extremely naive to be taking it literally? What if Paul was right, not only about his notions about the Devil, but also about what he called (with extreme prophetic wisdom) “science falsely so-called,” and about those people who deem themselves wise, but whom God calls foolish?

What if God actually likes His job, and isn’t about to stop messing around with us?

After all, He calls us His children. Well, at least those of us who don’t mind Him being our Father. So, is He just going to abandon His children and say, “Listen up, kiddos, that process I initiated, called Evolution, is going to take care of everything from now on. I’m going to switch over to auto-pilot from now on, and have a vacation… See you ’round….”?

That doesn’t sound like the God I know, the God of Love Who promised, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Nor does it sound like the God Who, according to the Bible, is going to make His abode with us some fine day, on a new earth under a new sky. Sounds as if He had some more serious plans with us than just leaving us as cosmic orphans fending for ourselves.

Let’s say you were a creator by profession. And you actually liked your job. What wold you be doing? You would go ’round creating things, right?

You would probably say one day to your heavenly host of angels, “Listen up, I had an idea: Let’s expand and create another realm full of new creatures and physical life-forms, and let’s make them in such a way that they can communicate with us, so we can have some fun interaction together… After all, we’ve got something great going here, so, let’s get ourselves an interactive audience to share it with…” – Well, maybe something along these lines or to that extent, you get the gist… The creation and consequent merging with the physical realm. The King of the universe preparing for His prince a bride to be rescued and conquered from the hands of some evil usurper.
(That may sound like a fairly-tale, but why deny the Almighty the right to some imagination, just because you may seem to lack any of it? What if all the fairy-tales in the world are going to wind up making more sense in the end than some of your so-called scientific “facts” acquired on some fatally errant premises?)

Well, if you were that Creator, you probably wouldn’t be involved in the construction of every single flower and blade of grass single-handedly, but once you created a race of intelligent and (sometimes) thinking creatures that allegedly looked like the spitting image of you, wouldn’t you see to it that they weren’t utterly going to make a mess of things?

Of course, it may look as if that’s precisely what God is doing. – Let us make a mess of it. But one thing you ought to know about God: He’s actually a kind fellow. He doesn’t just barge in and say, “Listen up, y’all, you’re all gonna do as I say, ‘s that clear?” – He doesn’t force us to worship Him or anything. And if we insist on going our own way for a little while and pretend we don’t need Him, pretend He doesn’t even exist, “Okay, fine then, just do it!”
On the other hand, He’ll be perfectly involved in the lives of those who don’t mind Him! And He’s going to intervene on their behalf when the other, independent guys try to take away their religious freedom, just as he intervened with Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. Another far-fetched allegory? – “Certainly there was no Red Sea parted.” Rip those pages out! ”
– No walks on the water…” Rrrripppp!
– Definitely no flood and hilarious tale of Noah and his arc! On Mars, where we’ve discovered traces of water? Sure. But down here where we’re up to our necks in water? No way!
– No resurrection from the dead and most certainly no supernatural intervention in the End to save us from ourselves…

All you believe in is some scientifically justifiable “Christ,” perhaps described better as a “Great Philosopher.” But what’s so great about His philosophy if your interpratation of reality is true? In the light of the picture you’re painting, He could at best be called a lunatic.

So, if I have to choose between mine and your faith in a far-away God, Who billions of years ago got some evolutionary process rolling, which by some random and weird coincidence happened to churn me out or cough me up or whatever… I think I would have to humbly pass and say, “Do I really have to?” And you see, that’s precisely how attractive this paradigm is (which, after all, is being forced on every school kid in nearly every nation on earth, for the past 70 years): It makes them want to quit the game.
You can play it by yourselves. It’s really no fun at all. Unless you happen to be one of the few lucky winners of the jackpot in the evolutionary casino, one of the “fittest” destined to “survive.” After all, that’s all you do: you survive, but you never really live.
And well, if you don’t like the game and you feel like committing suicide, be our guest, since the world is over-populated anyway.
Overpopulation is just one of those things that happens wihen your Creator’s on a permanent vacation.

Or it could be just one of those things the hyper-rich and hyper-stingy have cooked up in order to keep all their ever-increasing riches for themselves. They also have the money to produce any scientific evidence to keep you from believing in a God who truly cares, knows your name, and didn’t just initiate some random process, but actually created this place not much more than 6000 years ago.

I’m not saying you have to either believe one or the other. I’m just explaining to you why I prefer to believe in the option which you’re telling me is impossible.
I find yours a lot more impossible to believe.

What if the Devil is no fairy-tale, after all, and he was just a whole lot smarter than you had the capacity to imagine? What if he’s getting ready to invade your home planet right now? You’d for sure be better off with a God then Who’s not off on vacation, but actually likes getting involved.
Just because you wouldn’t want Him to get involved in your life, why deny me the right to have Him involved in mine? Why not let a Creator do His job?

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In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, the light, the dry land, vegetation, and only then (according to the biblical account) – as unbelievable to our evolution-framed minds as it may sound – the rest of the matter in the universe: the stars and other planets and the moons, then the fishes and birds, land animals, and finally, His crowning creation, man, took a rib from his side and made a woman from it. As outrageously bizarre as all that may sound to us, when God saw it, He begged to differ and deemed it good.

It was a spotless, you might say just about perfect world, bubbling with the knowledge of good, the sheer evidence of a divine Creator as visible by His handiwork, truly deserving of this attribute: “good.”

Then along came the first lie, well presented by the mind of an obviously skilled debater and “debunker,” mind you, and as innocent and perhaps gullible and naive as the first human couple was, they swallowed it – hook line and sinker, introducing into that pure world the factor that would change everything – well, nearly everything: evil.

However long or short their existence in a good and perfect world had been, the difference between what had been and was now was as vast as night and day, as life and death itself. They may not have died physically, but was this really life? Not when you’ve known the real thing…


In the beginning was the Word – the Word so unlike those empty, hollow, vain and idle sounds proceeding from human mouths that may say one thing and mean another – the Word of truth, perhaps hard to believe for those who prefer a lie; and as scarce as it always has been in this world, the supply of that truth was always greater than the demand for it by a race that always seems to have had a greater knack for the darkness than the light, the lie, rather than the truth.

Along came Charles Darwin with a proposition of an idea and theory he would have meant to be perhaps carefully considered, but when people heard it, they immediately embraced it as their new truth: “This is IT!” they exclaimed! “This is going to be our new truth! Let us banish the old one and teach this teaching as the sole and principal foundation of all that shall be called knowledge from henceforth. From now on, our children will grow up being taught the new truth!”

Great men arose, basing their lives’ philosophy on “The Origin of Species,” names that would change the world as it had previously been known (similar to the way it had so drastically changed once before, millennia ago), names like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao – only to name a few – who proved by their unprecedented slaughter of millions that truly, this was a world of “the survival of the fittest.”

New sciences were created and billions and yet billions of dollars and other currencies were pumped into new “evidence” that would support the new paradigm and the abolition of the old, (for there was no illusion that enough money could not create and make it appear deceivingly real if it was being repeated often enough), simultaneously increasing the machinery that would continuously support the survival and domination of the fittest: ever more powerful weapons, capable of annihilating every breath that would dare to rise up against them.

Soon, mankind would be ready for the arrival of the dawn of a New Age and World Order, headed by the one in whom the mindset of liberation from the old truth would culminate, and who would fill mankind’s atrocious need for a god by his own forceful assumption of that position: a time of triumph for some, and one of greater sorrow than they had ever known for those who refused to embrace this final manifestation of the “new truth.”

In order to make a final statement underlining the universal paradigm of “the survival of the fittest,” the new world leader at last declared all-out war on those who refused to bow down to him, and on the One Himself who dwells in the heavens, a time of great persecution, bloodshed and tribulation, culminating in one final battle, which was won with one great shout and yet another outrageous act of defying all that humans would have deemed possible or even thinkable, just as He had done it in the beginning.


In the new beginning, there was love. Love in the hearts of a people who had been saved from the darkness, from the lies and from the evil they had brought upon themselves by ever welcoming these things and preferring them to the light, to the truth, and over that which was good. Love that had been acquired from the painful lesson of where all these lies, the evil and the accompanying sins would lead. Love for a God, Who, in the End turned out to have known better than all the proclaimed wise men of ages past, and – as outrageously unbelievable as it may sound once again – love, at long last, for one another.

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Sometimes a person struggling in the fight of being a furious voice for the truth against an army, nay a deluge, of lies and lie-blarers can wake up discouraged, wondering, “What the hell am I doing here anyway? What difference on earth am I going to make anyway?”

I call it the “mindset of insignificance” that probably overtakes all of us sometimes.
After all, it’s being scientifically drilled into us. They even have a scientific name for it and called in the “Copernican principle” or “principle of mediocrity,” a scientific “fact,” (as far as its religious devotees are concerned), closely related to the “fact” of Evolution, which is to remind us all daily, and many times throughout every day of our lives of our devastating insignificance in this universe:

After all, each of us represents nothing more than an insignificant conglomeration of chemicals and matter on an equally insignificant spec of dust among hundreds of billions of others in one galaxy among yet hundreds of billions… so they say.

Except that some scientists who refuse to adhere to the dictatorial brainwash of the mainstream scientific community are coming up with arguments that the odds of other “insignificant specs of dust” like our planet to exist in our galaxy aren’t as high as the prophets of the Copernican principle like Carl Sagan made them sound to be.

Turns out that our “insignificant spec of dust” holds a few privileges we shouldn’t take for granted.

And as far as the tiny, lonely voice for truth against vast majorities is concerned, it wouldn’t be the first time that God shows that one man with Him can suffice to defeat he entire opposing army: from Moses to Gideon and David, who hurled the decisive rock against the giant’s head that would bring his country’s intimidated army back to life, and further on down the line to Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah and Paul, St. Francis, Luther and Gandhi… little, seemingly insignificant people who won decisive battles against armies of empires that vastly outnumbered them; and it stands to reason that if God did it that way before, who’s to tell Him that He can’t do it again?

Of course, the ever growing vast majority of modern day Philistines will joke about our God even more profanely nowadays, since they cooked up a literal flood of “scientific” arguments to disprove His existence – a flood that would require an arc to stay afloat and rising above it – and to discourage any insane Don Quixote from any noble ambitions real fast, unless he remains steadfastly ignoring their ceaseless deafening rants….

If the Evolutionists seem to be right about one thing, it’s that we do appear to be herd animals, and not many of us are carved out to be sole fighters against an overwhelming majority.
We want our own army on our side and behind us. God alone, due to His unforgivable handicap of invisibility, doesn’t seem to be enough for any of us most of the time.

Even folks who have no problems admitting that there is a spirit world with wicked entities in it that manipulate our realm don’t have it in them to believe or even accept the idea that perhaps if those wicked and demonic entities exist, there might also be a “good Guy” in that realm somewhere, because that would be religious, and no, they’re not religiously inclined.

Demons? Yes. God? No.
No, they also want to see an army of “great awakers” rise behind them to save them and all of mankind out of their own mess. The only way, they seem to reason, we’re ever going to overcome the curse of our insignificance, is by amassing so many of us that we’re also going to be a flood of “good” people, rising up against the bad people…

Well, I wish to God they were right, and the “Great Awakening” should really happen.
But then what? “Meet the new boss – the same as the old boss?” I think we’ve heard that tune before…

I think the only “Boss” Who’s ever going to make a real and lasting difference is the One Who is trying to prove that a seemingly insignificant spec of dust doesn’t necessarily have to be all that insignificant by putting it in its unique position in the first place and by dying for each so seemingly insignificant soul on this planet as if to show that for Him there is no such thing as insignificant.

If you’re out for quantity and size, then maybe that’s your thing, but the invisible Maker behind the scenes of the universe seems to have a knack for little things and seemingly insignificant details.
We may be dust alright, but when blown and carried into the right position within the light, even a tiny spec of dust can sparkle and shine like a diamond.

Let’s see what insignificant piece of rock is going to land our present day Goliaths on their nose while the by-standing armies are going to wonder “Hey, why didn’t I sling that thing?…” – Or what unconventional methods God is going to use to prove to us one again that it’s “not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord” (Zec.4:6)

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What if the God Who wouldn't do things according to our plans has a few of His own?

Science is supposedly something based on observation: we explain how things work that we actually see happening in nature. That’s one of the flaws of the theory of Evolution: it is not based on things we actually observe, but blatantly defies some of our observations. For example, never has there been known any force or process to bring about information from lifeless matter without an intelligent author, and yet the evolutionists expect us to believe that all the heaps of information in every little cell were supposed to have come about by itself.

According to the theory of Evolution, we’re also supposed to be “evolving” and progressing, improving, and thus become more intelligent, but one honest look around will only confirm the opposite actually taking place.

Evolution is faith, quite similar to the faith we place in paper currencies. An American tourist may believe that the paper god in his wallet in which he trusts, is almighty, but may experience shock when confronted with the actual purchasing power of his once so powerful currency in, let’s say Europe.

We may believe certain things to be fact and we may “think” we know something, when what we are actually dealing with is a case of gross inflation: our heads and egos are inflated by a strong confidence in information and values that, when put to the fiery test, actually turn out to be invalid and worthless.

That’s why the Lord told Isaiah that His thoughts were as high above ours as the heavens were above earth. We may be absolutely sure that we know something, and then He comes along and blows on our “facts” and shows us just how ridiculous it was for us to assume we were so smart.

Some of our self-fabricated dogmas, mindsets and “facts” can even become so outrageous as to make Him laugh (see Psalm 2:1-4).

We do it because we want to be the boss. We want to determine what’s true or false, what’s goood or bad, instead of letting Him decide for us. Well, perhaps He – like any good parent – also wants us to make our own experiences along those lines.

The more convinced we are that we know certain things, the harder it can become for Him to persuade us otherwise.

The religious Jewish authorities during Jesus’ times were pretty sure of their ideas as to what the Messiah was suposed to look or act like.

He was going to be their Savior and liberator from the physical chains of Roman opression. Just like Moses had led them out of the bondage and opression of the first world empire, the Messiah was to liberate them from the oppressors of this one, which they figured was to be the last.

But it turned out that the Messiah Whom God deemed fit to send along was going to liberate them from something they didn’t even want to know that they had been subjects, servants and slaves to, namely their own sins. They didn’t even know they needed liberation from that. Who needs liberation from sin, when you’re the cream of the crop of God’s chosen people?

They expected a Savior that was going to bring about changes by a display of physical strength that was going to make the heathen tremble.

Instead, this meek Messiah chose to sacrifice Himself for the darn heathen and anyone who wanted to become God’s child from then on.

What sort of an unorthodox God was at work here? He doesn’t seem to be operating much according to our own ideas…

Likewise, not a lot of people today are interested in that sort of salvation, either. God is okay for supplying material needs and physical health, but when it comes to spiritual things, let’s keep it on the entertaining side of things. And woe if He dares to let us down. We’ll be quick to change camps.

Woe if He allows anything bad happen to us, or even allows someone we love to die – the epitome of all evils!

– But is it?

Or isn’t it rather so that one of the main reasons He came was to liberate us from the slavery of one of our worst sins, namely our fear of death?

If He came to deliver “them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage,” (Heb.2:15), then why are we still so scared of it, and why do we still get so upset whenever He takes someone Home that we love?

We would like God to do things differently than they actually happen: kill all the bad people, and let all the good people live. Make us rich and healthy and the other ones poor and sick.

Then we can believe. Then we’ll attend church and sing “How great Thou art!” – No wonder. It’s easy then, isn’t it?

But what if death isn’t the epitome of evil at all? What if He really wasn’t kidding when He said, “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (Jn.5:24)?

And what if being rich and successful isn’t necessarily the epitome of bliss and happiness, for each and every one of us, personally, either?

What if He in fact knows best, after all, what’s good for us, and what isn’t?

What if He’s really the One calling the shots, and won’t be blackmailed, either, by our, “If You’re good to me, I’ll believe in You, and if You’re not, I won’t” type of faith?

What if the God Who wouldn’t do things according to our plans has a few of His own?

Then why not grant Him the same type of freedom that He grants us?

But no, the minute His ideas dare to deviate from ours, we scientifically declare that He doesn’t exist, or no, that He’s not the Messiah, not the right kind, not what we expected, no way, crucify that one!

Probably the only thing about us that has really evolved, and that to outlandish proportions – is our arrogance.

It’s sort of ridiculous that true believers must implore their fellowmen to show just a little bit of tolerance and openness toward an Almighty Creator. Just because He wouldn’t do things the way they would if they were in charge, they grab a gun, kill a bunch of people, or live their lives accordingly, slowly but surely converting this place that once was paradise into hell on earth… Forcing my child to believe that he’s a monkey… Brainwashing him day and night with their dogma of over-population (“So feel free to relieve the problem and commit suicide”?)… Of why we have to go and kill other people in the name of our own justice…

Thank God He’s not one of us! I think we’d be in really rotten shape then!

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A Prototype of the New Master Race and a Recent Victim (R.I.P.!)

A Prototype of the "New Master Race" and a Recent Victim (R.I.P.!)

It’s pretty much an open secret that the so-called “terrorist attacks” on the World Trade Center buildings in New York on September 11, 2001, were staged for various reasons, ranging from economical to political.

One of the primary points on the agenda of the New World Order architects sitting on the Council on Foreign Relations, is to get rid of cultures that still have well-functioning family structures.

If you don’t believe me that the powers behind the scenes have been working on destroying families on a massive scale for decades, read up about it on Henry Makow‘s websites.

Just as dumb people are much easier to manipulate than smart people (or even better: dumb people who think they’re smart because their brains are stuffed with a bunch of invalid information), which is the reason why the Western public school system is such an outrageous mess, and the slime spewed out from the media such increasingly intolerable garbage, broken families are easier to manipulate than intact ones. “Divide and conquer” has been the Devil’s slogan from Day One.

So, while we, the “enlightened” and “advanced” Western cultures not only arrogantly look down on other cultures in which the family structure is still intact, but even spend billions on destroying and killing them legally under the pretext that they’re all “terrorists” who need our “enlightenment,” the rest of the world – those parts where the father of the family is actually still the head of the house, laugh their heads off about us Western wimps who are the living fulfillment of one of the most powerful prophecies in the Old Testament about the Last Days before Christ’s return:

“As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths (Isaiah 3:12)”.

Respect is something that has practically gotten lost in the Western, me-first culture, where everyone has become little ego-worshipers and anyone else only plays second role at best. “First comes me, then the next-best person promising to cater to my own personal advance and advantage, and then somewhere those folks who are simply necessary to keep me alive, like my parents and stuff… And forget about the rest of the world.”

Selfishness and egotism have really become the ruling mindsets and ideologies of this culture, basically because people have become so alienated from the life, Word and truth of God, that the false “truth” of the Enemy has taken the place of God’s law in their lives, ruling and ruining them and the entire culture at the same time.

Nobody wants to be as politically incorrect to speak up against the youth of today. They are the stars of the show, the rulers of this modern, Western culture, to which the real rulers behind the scenes are trying to get the “gap nations” to bend.

They strongly resent those cultures in which the parents, and especially the fathers still have the say in the house, and they’re looking down on them as “backwards” and “underdeveloped,” when the fact is that they simply haven’t veered as far off from the path God had originally ordained for mankind as those who claim to be His people.

It’s only since the 20th century and the development of the media, along with the public school system, that the Devil has found a way to finally enter just about every single household and subvert the weakest link in the chain, and through them obtain control through the rest of the family.

He undermines the role of the father while at the same time ever boosting the egos of the children, and stirring up a sense of responsibility and loyalty in the mothers toward the child, rather than her husband.

After all, the husband is nothing but the dumb old pervert who wants to have sex all the time…

It’s our kids who determine what we, their parents, are going to buy, so they have long been the primary target audience of the mass hypnotists pulling the strings in this 21st century version of “Pinocchio.”

It’s not as if the kids were to blame, since they’re just the victims of the flood of poison unleashed on their brains via the media and the NWO school curriculum. If you tell a kid often enough that he’s the invincible master of the universe, he’s going to believe it and act like it.

And since authority is “out,” it would never occur to any of us parents to actually fight for our God-given position as the head of the family.

You may laugh all you want about Muslims and their “backward” ways, but they’re quite right in returning the courtesy and laughing about us, too. They may not have the Bible, but at least they’re sticking to what their holy book says, and refuse to let a bunch of greedy rich men fool them out of their fundamental rights.

It’s true that a lot of abuse has occurred in macho cultures in which women always get the raw end of the deal. But it’s nothing compared to the abuse, the violence and virtual rape of our entire culture and family structure that has come to pass by our so-called enlightened Western thinking.

A few days ago in Germany a man was kicked to death by a group of juvenile “masters of the universe” because he had dared to defend a group of children that was being harassed by them. The people who stood by did nothing.

Ask any Turk, Albanian, Iraqi, Iranian, Pakistani or Arab you know whether they think that any such occurrence would even be thinkable in their country.

And then feel free to keep laughing about their underdeveloped culture and keep watching TV!


“Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty.

The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low

And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the Law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel.”

(Isaiah 2:8, 10-12, 19, 3:9, 12, 5:20, 21, 24)

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

These also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men.”

(2Timothy 3:1-9)

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A few years ago I bought a second hand edition of “Widerstand und Ergebung,” a book Dietrich Bonhoeffer, (a Christian minister during the 3rd Reich in Germany who was part of the Resistance and was sentenced to death by Hilter himself a few weeks before the war ended), consisting of letters he wrote in prison, where he was awaiting his execution.

I soon came upon the statement, “Stupidity is a greater threat to good than evil itself.” That struck me as something strange for a Christian to say. After all, aren’t we all supposed be nice and politically correct with each other and our fellowman?

But the more I live to see and learn in this world, the more I realize just how right he was.

Obviously, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was referring to the way the majority of the German people unquestioningly obeyed orders and tolerated and collaborated with what became known as some of the grossest atrocities in history.

Unfortunately, due to the often cited fact that we never learn from history, history also has a tendency to keep repeating itself.
Apart from the ever increasing deliberate dumbing down of not only America, but pretty much also the rest of the so-called illuminated world I’ve addressed repeatedly, I’m just saying: Galileo.

What in the world did the church (as in Christendom) ever learn from that episode of having to apologize centuries later for having been so dumb?

Apparently exactly the same amount that we always learn from such incidents.



It’s not that knowledge or wisdom wouldn’t be available. In fact, they’re both in the list of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit (gifts as in, available for the asking), which Christendom at large has determined were only for those of God’s children who happened to live during the first century. Perhaps St. James was also exclusively addressing first century believers when he wrote that if anyone should lack wisdom, they should ask God for it.

But then, if God is supposed to have stopped talking altogether around that same time, I guess it’s easiest to just repeat and believe and “know” whatever we’re being told to accept.

If knowledge and wisdom (along with 7 other pretty useful gifts) are weapons that God has equipped us with in our battle against evil, I’m afraid we’re losing the war because the vast majority of “Christian soldiers” don’t even know that they exist, much less know how to use them. (Coming to think of it, most of them aren’t even aware that there’s a war going on, much less fighting for the right side).

So, we’re just standing by and watch as the Devil, along with his spirit of antichrist (aka “Zeitgeist”) conquers the world by telling them that Jesus was nothing but a myth, largely because we fail to arm ourselves with sufficient knowledge that could easily debunk such diabolical claims.
But then, most Christians also believe their preachers’ fairy-tales that they’re going to be whisked out of this world before any of that evil stuff might ever happen, so why put unnecessary strain on the brain when we still need that thing to enjoy the football game?

The only problem is that the Bible itself predicts that the Antichrist will wage war on the saints (no, not the Jews, since they refused the deal that would have them sanctified), and is already marshaling his forces, so, how is that going to happen if all the saints have gone marchin’ in already?

I’m afraid there are just too many things Christians don’t want to know. “Ignorance is bliss” is the current motto of the game, “So stick me back in the Matrix and give me my steak to enjoy and let me forget all about this dreadful thing here called reality!”

Unfortunately, that attitude just about drives home perfectly the point of how right on Bonhoeffer was in the above statement.

The history books of a future under God’s reign may one day prompt their teachers to ask their students, “What was the most effective weapon Satan used in order to establish his kingdom on earth before the Lord’s Return?” And the unanimous, though chilling answer will be chorusing, “Stupidity!!!”

On which side of this war of stupidity against mankind do you stand?

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To Be Or Not to Be God...

To Be Or Not to Be God...

I vehemently defend God. Because I’ve had to learn the hard way myself that He indeed knows better.

Indeed, we deem ourselves extremely sophisticated, highly intellectual and more educated than at any other time before in history.

Our television sets are the well functioning proof of it right before our eyes; our computers, cars, airplanes, the achievements of technology…

We invest millions in the scientific explanations of how we got here all by ourselves and billions in eradicating the less fortunate specimen that weren’t evolving quite rapidly enough to make it up to our economic pinnacle.

Oh, yes, we’re smart.

So smart.

A lot of knowledge.

But mostly knowledge that leads to our own personal gain and advantage over others, but never to happiness.
Knowledge that may lead to money, but never to happiness.

So, if you’re satisfied with that, man, go on and have it your way.

And if you think you’ve got to explain God away in order to soothe your conscience and lull it back to sleep and keep it in the daydream and illusion that there is no higher power or mind than your own, well… er… good for you… perhaps.

But when it comes to spreading that type of gospel and militantly waging your war in the name of your religion of ego, materialism and greed, then I will vehemently defend my God before anyone to the death.

It may make make perfect sense to all those atheist mini-gods that the mind ought to be the only thing worthy of worshiping (intellectual narcism?), but when it comes to their imposing that religion on me and my children and forcing us to bow down to their ugly fake idols, I must vehemently proclaim “No, thanks!” no matter what rewards they may promise me.

The rewards of success, because you’ll finally have joined the mainstream of the way everybody does it. The reward of acceptance. Of the peace and quiet of finally being left alone because they don’t have to convert me anymore to their religion of self.

But then, I’ve been down that road, sort of like the Prodigal Son, and I must honestly say, I’m sick and tired of that pig feed. If you think you must wallow in it, go ahead, but I will refuse, even if I have to crawl all the way Home on my hands and knees.

I congratulate all those self-infatuated ego-junkies and wish them a happy marriage with their own mental images of whatever loveliness they perceive themselves to be, but I’d rather have the ugly reality that Someone Else is the Ruler and Holder of my heart.
Ultimately, that’s what all those apparent “independent” “free-thinkers” will also find out, when the come to the end of the road, for the price of playing god in this life is that the originator of the “Let’s play god” game will be in charge of them, and again, the road they have walked will turn out to have given them a sense of pride, self-esteem and some sort of satisfaction of that lust for power, but never happiness.

And if you’re really honest, all you relentless ego-worshipers, that’s what you really hate the most about us who dare to take on a different faith: the fact that we’re happy, and you, despite all your feverish efforts and achievements, deep down in your heart know that you’re not.

It’s not that you couldn’t be, if you’d let go of that false, plastic image of yourselves that you worship, and of the pride and arrogance based on all that you may think you know.

The difference between the knowledge of good and evil is the definition of even such simple words as “happiness” and “knowledge.” The way you define them, they become a hollow shell, just like all the artifacts that prove to you your “divinity:” your buildings, your vehicles, your multi-media gimmicks.
In God’s dictionary, what you consider “knowledge” would rather spell, “something you may think you know,” and that which you call “happiness” is truly misery, for what greater misery is there than fake happiness?

But there is such a thing as truth, and the true definition of things, you’ve just got to come on down and walk on the ground of a Reality that’s greater and deeper than what the human mind can concoct and fathom, if you have the guts…

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